With thousands of supporters in attendance and millions watching on TV and social media, President Donald Trump restarted the public rallies of his 2020 re-election campaign here in Tulsa.
Trump dubbed the rally part of “The Great American Comeback Campaign.” He reviewed the successes of his first administration, warned of the socialism of Joe Biden and the Democrats and promised a growing prosperity.
“Thank you, Oklahoma,” Trump said to the delight of the cheering audience in the BOK Center. “We are doing very well in Oklahoma.”
Trump praised Gov. Kevin Stitt, the Oklahoma congressional delegation and made several references to Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Oklahoma, one of his biggest backers in the Senate.
“Oklahoma has two great senators,” Trump said about Inhofe and Sen. James Lankford, R-Oklahoma. “We get a lot of things done.”
His campaign listed his Oklahoma impact:
- In 2019, Oklahoma’s economy grew by a strong 2.4%.
- The Paycheck Protection Program saved 469,000 Oklahoma jobs.
- More than 62,000 state businesses got $5.4 billion in loans from the PPP.
- Nearly 1.8 million Oklahomans received Economic Impact Payments totaling more than $3.1 billion.
- The CARES Act provided up to $1.5 billion worth of aid to Oklahoma and more than $489 million so far to 4,125 health care providers in the state.
- New business formation in Oklahoma is up 21% under President Trump.
- In February, American Airlines announced an investment of $550 million in Tulsa, the largest capital investment in the city’s history.
- Trump’s tax cuts are projected to create more than 137,000 new jobs in Oklahoma over the next decade.
- Trump’s USMCA (U.S., Mexico, Canada) trade deal will boost Oklahoma’s economy and deliver new jobs to the state.
“We just turned the United States into the dominant energy power of the world,” Trump said.
He said he convinced Russia, Saudi Arabia and Mexico to stop dumping oil on the international market and as a result, the price of a barrel of oil has risen to over $40 a barrel.
“Biden wants to put AOC (U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) in charge of your energy,” Trump said. “She has a problem with petroleum.”
Trump also praised how the stock market has rebounded from the Chinese coronavirus and the impact it has on average Americans and their 401K portfolios.
Trump said his ending flights from China in January – before there was one case of the Chinese coronavirus in the United States – saved thousands of lives. And the liberal media never mentions that or gives him credit for that decision, he said.
Trump contrasted his view of the plans of former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democrat nominee.
Trump said Biden’s plan to kill American energy production will hurt Oklahoma’s workers and businesses. The oil, gas, and coal industries support over 379,000 jobs in Oklahoma and contribute nearly $52 billion to the state’s economy each year. Oklahoma is the nation’s fourth largest oil producer, and is home to the Sho-Vel-Tum field, one of the largest in the U.S. Cushing, Oklahoma, is internationally known as the hub for U.S. crude oil.
Trump said Biden attacked the private medical insurance plans nearly 2 million Oklahomans rely on. A recent study found that under a “public option” like the one favored by Joe Biden, 32 of Oklahoma’s rural hospitals would have a “high risk” of closing. A public option’s lower payments to doctors and other health care providers could cut $291 million from these hospitals.
“Joe Biden is not the leader of the Democrat Party,” Trump said. “He is a puppet of the radical Left.”
Trump said he has appointed 300 federal judges who will follow the Constitution and not create law. Trump has publicized a list of judges that he will pick from if he is re-elected and there is a vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Trump said, “Biden can’t release a list of his Supreme Court nominees” because they are too “radical.”
“Joe Biden is a willing Trojan Horse for socialism,” Trump said. “He’s a shameless hypocrite.”
Trump, who has been in a constant fight against the fake news of the liberal news media, told the story of how news outlets like CNN had mischaracterized his recent commencement speech at West Point.
The liberal news media predicted riots, looting and violent protests and there were none. Six protesters were arrested and local law enforcement prevented any significant damage.
The liberal news media tried to portray the rally as a “disappointment” because the BOK Center only had about 12,000 Trump supporters and there was minimal overflow outside the arena.
Trump drew set a record for viewers with 7.7 million viewers on Fox News from 8-10 p.m., giving the network its most-watched Saturday night in history during those hours. The hours from 8-10 p.m. also represented the highest Saturday prime time audience in Fox News history. Combined with nearly 12 million unique viewers on the Trump campaign’s digital media channels, there were nearly 20 million Americans watching the President’s speech.

Trump supporters camped overnight in front of the BOK Center Downtown to get in line for President Trump’s rally Saturday night.
Trump’s campaign responded with this statement from Tim Murtaugh, Trump 2020 communications director:
“President Trump’s rally in Tulsa attracted over 4 million unique viewers across all of the campaign’s digital media channels. The live-streamed pre-rally shows drew an audience of more than 2.5 million unique viewers by themselves. These numbers don’t even include television viewers. The news media, which encouraged protestors and bombarded Americans for more than a week with dire warnings against attending a Trump rally, are still unable to prevent President Trump from reaching the people. These numbers represent unmatched enthusiasm behind the President’s re-election and a massive audience that Joe Biden can only dream of.”
The liberal media falsely claimed that Trump opponents deflated attendance.
“Leftists and online trolls doing a victory lap, thinking they somehow impacted rally attendance, don’t know what they’re talking about or how our rallies work,” according to Brad Parscale, Trump 2020 campaign manager “Reporters who wrote gleefully about TikTok and K-Pop fans – without contacting the campaign for comment – behaved unprofessionally and were willing dupes to the charade. Registering for a rally means you’ve RSVPed with a cell phone number and we constantly weed out bogus numbers, as we did with tens of thousands at the Tulsa rally, in calculating our possible attendee pool. These phony ticket requests never factor into our thinking. What makes this lame attempt at hacking our events even more foolish is the fact that every rally is general admission – entry is on a first-come-first-served basis and prior registration is not required.
“The fact is that a week’s worth of the fake news media warning people away from the rally because of COVID and protestors, coupled with recent images of American cities on fire, had a real impact on people bringing their families and children to the rally. MSNBC was among outlets reporting that protesters even blocked entrances to the rally at times. For the media to now celebrate the fear that they helped create is disgusting, but typical.
“And it makes us wonder why we bother credentialing media for events when they don’t do their full jobs as professionals.”
Peggy Dau, Bartlesville, took issue with the description by the liberal media.
“I am tired of hearing the lies that the Tulsa Rally was a flop by the fake media,” she said. “The only seats available were a couple hundred in the far upper chamber. It was a tremendous and electrifying success and all the thousands of people who attended were uplifted.
“People who were brave enough to go against the lies of the media, who were brave enough to say I will go and try and if I get in great, and if I don’t I have at least tried to be there to support the President.
“People who had to leave their 5 children farmed out for a couple of days so they could drive 3 hours and stand in the hot sun, risk infection, find a place to spend the night even when they were not sure of getting in came and that is success for the President .
“A young lady in her 30’s who served for 12 years in the Marine Corps drives 10 hours from Denver to Tulsa by herself and stands in line as the couple above did to come and stand with her President, that is success for the rally.
“I met numerous others, young male teens, older people who were willing to defy the rhetoric of not worth going you won’t get in, who said I will try despite threats to their own safety and comfort came and stood strong and courageous to support the President.
“You have to be blind and morally corrupt to see the devastation that the cities have experienced under their Democratic leadership. I do not apologize for these words but anyone who is utterly foolish to vote for that party is so deceived that if they are successful we just might end up like a Cuba or a Venezuela. Yes , I do believe it can happen.
“My own Father had a Presidential appointment under a Democratic President. People of real faith should be able to see the actions of lawlessness, chaos, destruction and even murder is not God’s way. That is definitely not how to change lives except change toward bondage to the father of lies.
“People of faith must begin to spend more time in humbling themselves in repentance for their own sins and the sins of the nation. Jesus must be first and we must be willing to take the time first in each day to really seek Him. We must be willing to dispel the darkness with the light of Christ.”
A Tulsa woman, who asked to remain anonymous, had a reserved ticket to the rally. She was prevented from attending even though she followed the rules.
“We finally found how to get in,” she said. “At the exact moment we approached the first barrier (police tape), there were police lined up at the tape and at the opening we were greeted by the Secret Service or contract military (not sure who they were) at 6:05 p.m. who told us, along with a multitude of others at our gate (there was three seperate entrance gates at various locations) that we could not enter. We asked why? They said that the BOK had reached its capacity and the temperature checkers had left prematurely and acted pretty smug about it which I thought was strange.
“Some who waited with us said they had friends on the inside who text and told them that there were still many empty seats available. So, we waited at the police tape entrance dumbfounded for 20 minutes until the police line started backing up and went through a 10-foot fence and chained and locked the gate. No other explanation. Further, no one was even allowed into the jumbotron area to watch it outside.
“We walked with a man on our way back to our car, who was on the inside but decided to leave, who also said that there were many more seats available. This is the absolute first hand truth.
“So, we drove home to watch what was left of the rally on tv to see many empty seats in the background and hear nothing but lies from reporters who reported that the Trump rally didn’t have the turnout that they expected inside and no one even turned out to rally outside to watch the jumbotron (which is exactly what a supporter waiting with us said the media would say).
“Nothing but lies. We were lied to. They locked a multitude of us out. They even reported that Trump was surprised at the low turnout. If I can get a message to the president, I will tell him how they duped him at this rally and how he is getting played by those who surround him.”
• Two liberal lawyers in Tulsa filed a lawsuit prior to the rally to try to stop it by placing arbitrary rules on the BOK Center. Attorneys Paul DeMuro and Clark Brewster, who denied it was an attempt to stop the rally, had their case was thrown out by a district court judge and they appealed to the Oklahoma Supreme Court, which also turned them down.
The court said they had no legal right to relief.
Brewster has represented porn actress Stormy Daniels, who is appeal her loss in a libel and slander suit against Trump.
The Trump campaign handed out masks and hand sanitizers and did temperature checks on all attendees. No one was forced to attend.
Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum, a registered Republican who refused to attend the rally, welcomed Trump at the airport where hundreds of Trump supporters were waiting for a glimpse of the president.
On Saturday, Bynum had declared an emergency and ordered a 10 p.m. curfew for the proximity of the arena that he said was requested by the Secret Service. It was rescinded, also before the rally, at the request of the Secret Service, Bynum said.
Before the rally, Trump cautioned violent protesters that they would find stiffer resistance in Tulsa than in other cities like Seattle or Minneapolis.
“Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis,” Trump tweeted Friday. “It will be a much different scene.”
Trump said he believes in the “sanctity of life” while Biden was endorsed by Planned Parenthood, the top abortion provider in America.
“It comes as no surprise that Planned Parenthood would endorse Joe Biden – a 50-year, Washington elitist who is controlled by the radical ideas of the Democrat Party,” said Father Frank Pavone, Co-Chair of Pro-Life Voices for Trump. “In an effort to conform to the far Left’s agenda, Biden is now calling for zero restrictions on abortion and wants to force taxpayers to foot the bill. Biden has also made promises to ‘codify Roe v. Wade,’ taking the issue out of the hands of our duly appointed Supreme Court justices. In sharp contrast, President Trump is the most pro-life President in history and has safeguarded the rights of the unborn – not only in America but abroad.”
More than 50 surrogates attended to support Trump, including: Lara Trump, Senior Advisor Kimberly Guilfoyle Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas); Oklahoma Republican Congressmen Kevin Hern, Tom Cole, Frank Lucas, Markwayne Mullin; Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Congressman Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana), Herman Cain (Black Voices for Trump Co-Chair), Dr. Alveda King (Black Voices for Trump Advisory Board Member), and others.