In 1956, the United States of America established “In God We Trust” as our national motto.  But it seems our current administration has completely forgotten that the American people still believe in God, and still trust in God. 

Perhaps these leaders believe they’ve become so intelligent, they no longer need God, and they’re trying to convince the American people to just shut-up and follow wherever they lead.

If you notice, almost every day we are being told “we must put our trust in science.”  And may I remind you, most scientists do not even believe there is a God – most believe in the theory of evolution instead.  And that same “theory” is being taught to our children in the government-controlled public school system.

Your prayers are needed to turn the tide on this serious problem.  Here are some recent statements made by some of the Democrat leaders:

March 2, 2021 – Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), speaking on the House floor, calling for support of the Equality Act, had this to say:  “God’s will is of no concern to this Congress.”

March 19, 2021 – President Biden, speaking in Atlanta said, “We must put our trust in science.”  Later, Biden stumbled and fell three times as he walked up the stairs to board Air Force One.

April 8, 2021 – President Biden, speaking from the Oval Office after signing a batch of Executive Orders said, “Enough praying . . . It’s time for action.”  That same day Biden said, “No amendment [in the Constitution] is absolute.”  And then he said, “Guns are a public health issue.”

May 24, 2021 – Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Virginia), who claims to be Catholic, and yet supports abortion for any reason, said this during a radio interview, “Abortion is not mentioned in the Bible . . . If politicians followed their religious beliefs, we would be no different than Muslims following Sharia Law.”  Sen. Kaine was Hillary Clinton’s pick for vice president in the 2016 election.

With our nation’s leaders thinking these ungodly thoughts, is there any wonder why we’re seeing so much hostility, lawlessness and riotous behavior going on in this world we are living in?  Science is a wonderful thing, but science is not infallible. 

We must never, never, never choose science over Almighty God.