America has a border crisis and it’s not just poor people from Central and South America who are coming here illegally.

Thousands of illegal aliens are coming across our southern boarder, according to Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief Patrol Agent Rodolfo Karisch in testimony before the Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing earlier this month.

“Much media attention has focused on caravans coming across from Central America,” Karisch said. “But the fact is that RGV is receiving caravan-equivalent numbers every seven days.”

His sector has detained people from 50 different countries, including China, Bangladesh, Turkey, Egypt and Romania.

“People are traveling across hemispheres to attempt to illegally enter the United States, using the same pathways as the Central Americans,” he said.

Karisch said the Border Patrol has caught more families illegally crossing the border in the first five months of fiscal 2019 than during all of fiscal 2018. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) apprehended more than 76,000 illegal aliens across the border in February and more than 100,000 in March.

In his sector alone, Karisch said that at current pace, they would have more than 260,000 apprehensions by the end of fiscal 2019. There were 162,000 in RGV last year. His agents catch, on average, 1,000 people a day.

Democrats and the liberal news media booed when President Trump called this a crisis and threatened to close the border to Mexico to stop this onslaught.  Congress won’t act because the Democrats in the House don’t want to hand Trump any success, even though it would be the right thing for the nation. They want open borders but they won’t admit that publicly. Actions speak louder than words.

A couple of weeks ago, Obama-era Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan a Senate hearing  that the United State is “experiencing a crisis at the southern border at a magnitude never seen in modern times.”

Mexico has to act. Congress has to act. If they don’t, Trump will have to close the border. It’s been done before.

A nation without borders is not a nation.