Recently on 60 Minutes there was a report on UFOs – which are not figments of our imagination but with reasonable proof. The Pentagon believes this is our greatest threat. Picture proof and adequate evidence that these sightings prove that they contain technology unknown to us – technology that defies gravity and can totally disappear.
My thoughts that came to me were of the miracle of the Bible with the defying of gravity and total disappearance or disappearance, walking on water, etc.
Is it possible that all of these are laws of nature that existed from the beginning , whenever that was, are technical possibilities that have existed for thousands of years and are now a part of the Chinese Communist Party’s space program which presents a direct military threat to international security?
So much is beyond our comprehension – smart phones, for example. My knowledge of technology is limited to my flip phone and my alarm clock.
Last month, a doctor at St. Francis Hospital installed a pacemaker in me with another plug-in at the house that gives around-the-clock monitoring of my heart.
All this artificial intelligence and computer technology can compute over one million computations per second with MIT having one that can pick up the electrical impulses in your brain – reading your thoughts.
The older prophecies are beginning to make sense to me. Matthew 10:20b: “ There is nothing covered that will not be revealed and hidden that will not be known.”
Ecclesiastes 1:9b: “And there is nothing new under the sun.”