SIOUX FALLS, S.D, (PRNewswire) – Victory Christian School, a Tulsa K3-12 private school, has partnered with LifeBase Solutions to become the first primary school in Oklahoma to provide a new nutrition platform to their student athletes to maximize development, performance and recovery.

“We all know the importance of proper nutrition and hydration to improve performance on the field and in the classroom but we needed a turn-key solution that was easy to use for both the coach and the athlete,” said Victory Christian Strength & Conditioning Coordinator Chad Case. “We chose LifeBase because it simplifies the job of a nutrition coach, allowing us to manage, track and communicate with all of our athletes in real-time, for every meal, every day.”

Comprised of four (4) main components, the LifeBase platform automates and simplifies the process of nutrition coaching and enables consumers to make informed decisions about their health, learn how foods impact their body and improve their body composition by maximizing fat loss and muscle gain.

Sioux Falls, South Dakota based LifeBase Solutions CEO Jon Petersen said Victory Christian School is an ideal partner for the company. “We built our platform to solve the problems of both nutrition coaches and their clients,” Peterson said. “Coaches want to simplify the process of coaching and maximize their clients results and clients want to either look better, feel better or perform better. We enable both by optimizing client body composition through proper nutrition, providing automated coaching via our app and incorporating a closed feedback loop of body composition data.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that not only is adequate hydration and eating a healthy breakfast associated with improved cognitive function in students, but that schools are in a unique position to provide students with opportunities to learn about and practice healthy eating behaviors.