President Donald Trump needs State Sen. Stephanie Bice, a Republican, in the U.S. House.

Sen. Bice is facing U.S. Rep. Kendra Horn, D-Oklahoma, on November 3 in U.S. Representative District 5.

This is a crucial decision for Oklahoma and America.

Horn pulled off an upset victory two years ago by disguising her true views.

She voted to make Nancy Pelosi speaker of the House and if the Democrats retain control, she will again.

Horn betrayed our justice system by voting to impeach President Trump on phony charges that he colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 presidential race.

If Trump is re-elected and the Democrats hold a majority in the House, Pelosi and her minions – like Kendra Horn – will badger the president for four more years and stifle legislation that would be a big help to all Americans.

Instead of confronting the front end of the Chinese coronavirus, the Pelosi-led Democrats in the House held impeachment hearings. This was purely political.

In fact, Horn and her colleagues have fought Trump on every issue. They don’t care how an vote would help people – they just want to force Trump out of office.

District 5 is conservative and there is no way the voters there should reward Kenda Horn with two more years and a chance to slow down the progress made under President Trump.

If Biden wins and Horn wins and the Democrats get Pelosi back as Speaker, the nation will have nothing but trouble.

Horn doesn’t represent Oklahoma’s traditional values and she should be replaced by Sen. Stephanie Bice.