Sen. Allison Ikley-Freeman, D-Tulsa, barely won a special election in 2017 to replace former Sen. Dan Newberry, R-Tulsa, in Senate District 37 in Tulsa.
She is married to Dawn Ikley-Freeman, a woman. Ikley-Freeman is the first married lesbian to be elected to the Oklahoma Senate.
Ikley-Freeman was involved in a serious accident on the Turner Turnpike this year and everyone should be hopeful for her full recovery.
But she shouldn’t be in the Oklahoma Senate. Someone who has so publicly turned her back on traditional and Biblical values should not be re-elected.
She won the special election in a conservative, Republican District because she hid her marital status from voters, concealing in on her campaign website and Facebook. Homosexual groups around the nation were ecstatic because they had sneaked a lesbian into the Senate in one of the most conservative states in the nation.
This is why voters in Senate District 37 must elect Republican Cody Rogers on November 3.
His campaign slogan is, “Let’s win back our district together.”
Rogers is a family man – he and his wife have five children. He started and runs a successful paving construction company that employs dozens of people and manages million-dollar projects.
Rogers understands road construction. He has worked in the oil and gas industry.
Rogers is pro-life, pro-education, pro-constitution and pro-fiscal responsibility.
In other words, Cody Rogers represents the true values of Senate District 37 and he has the background to be a genuine asset to the Oklahoma Senate.
Sen. Ikley-Freeman’s secret is out. She can’t hide her background this time.
The Tulsa Beacon endorse Republican Cody Rogers for Senate District 37 on November 3.