Commonsense has prevailed and the Wanenmacher Tulsa Arms Show will be open April 10-11 in the Expo Square.

It is the largest gun show of its kind and a boon to Tulsa. Last year, the show was canceled as America and Oklahoma tried to figure out how to stop or slow down the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

The virus has slowed down. The Tulsa City/County Health Department approved the Wanenmacher Show, which will take special precautions to prevent the spread of the virus.

Here’s a tip – if you are worried about getting the virus at the Wanenmacher Gun Show, don’t attend. If you choose to go and are concerned, wear a mask. If you are sick, please stay home.

This show is important for many reasons.

First, it is an affirmation of the 2nd Amendment rights of all Americans. President Joe Biden wants to erode those rights by gradually requiring universal background checks, gun registration and eventually confiscation.

And gun shows like Wanenmachers are targeted for closure and that could be attempted by presidential order instead of the legislative process.

Secondly, Wanenmacher’s Arms Show is a great economic boost to Tulsa’s economy. People come from all over the world for this ultra-safe arms’ show. It brings millions of dollars into Tulsa’s hurting economy and it is a great plus for Tulsa’s image around the nation. Gun sales and ammunition have gone through the roof since Biden got elected in anticipation of gun restrictions.

Tulsa’s local media are pushing the liberal narrative about the pandemic’s impact and they want to establish a “new normal” that mandates vaccinations, masks and small crowds at public events.

The Wanenmacher family has run a first-class, safe show for decades and this one will be no exception.

Tulsa needs (pardon this expression) this shot in the arm.