According to Pierre Bynum’s “Prayer Targets” article, there was a story that captured my heart. In 1978 at Harvard University’s commencement Address, Americans heard from a prophetic voice.

 The speaker’s comments have proven to be true. Combine the book published first in Paris – Gulag Archipelago – and Os Guiness’ book  -A Free People’s Suicide – we learn that the greatest enemy of freedom is what the late Chuck Colson called “freedom without virtue.”

It has been said in other countries (not in America) that  heroes – real heroes make history. In America, Soltzhenitsyn pointed to the lack of statesmen/women present in our country and our society of affluence and comfort has down-dumbed the acquisition of character qualities of greatness, courage, integrity, virtue no matter the cost, even needing to give one’s life or willingness to die for saving what is worth the cost.

Our “heroes” are celebrated Hollywood celebrities, elites, athletes, politicians whose lives and contributions to the “betterment” of our nation include making CDs, DVDs, movies, touchdowns, taking a knee for social justice and making  “erudite” pronouncement with a political twist full of profanity, deception, lies, half-truths, and flattery.

Can anything be done about the loss of personal courage and the other life-giving character qualities? Years ago there were role models like William Wilberforce (anti-slavery activist in Britain) and Dietrich Bonhoeffer (German Lutheran pastor who died for his faith) whose legacy inspires us today for their determined sacrifice for what they valued even unto death.

These men and many others in history (Washington, Lincoln, etc.) showed us the corruption prevalent in their nation’s culture. They were  faithful to God in order to overcome massive pressures to conform, to agree with those  who wielded power and control and made citizens submit to their tyranny.

Like these leaders who overcame incredible odds who did not know if they would change their nation’s direction, we , too, do not know our nation’s future but we must personally commit to never give up the search for and even the fight for truth, virtue, love for God and for our neighbor  by obeying biblical commands.

We need today leaders who we elect to Congress persons who stand against the unethical behaviors rampant in our culture and who keep campaign promises that will “make America great again.”

Paraphrasing T.S. Elliott’s words, it has been said, “For us, there is only the trying…the rest is God’s business.” Like Solzhenitsyn’s culture, America is fast becoming a power that punishes those who seek truth: ours is a cancel-culture phenomenon.

 If one disagrees with government ideology and mandates or criticized government leadership and policies, one risked losing his family, employment, assets, reputation, promotions, faith, political campaign funding, and even life.

Notice what happened recently to those in congress who challenged the veracity of the electoral college tally. Many campaign funding sources withdrew their previous support for holding to an American right. Senator Josh Hawley, R-Missouri, and several others were treated this way. Feelings of fear, feelings of “guilt”  for having the nerve to buck the unpopular conclusion, loss of financial support needed to campaign, and other real losses make some legislators and business owners (e.g., Mike Lindell – My Pillow man) cave in to the vocal – but deceived – majority.

Some persons even elect to become a whistleblower and receive deserved infamy, threats of destruction. The oath taken at the legislator’s swearing-in ceremony is often worth nothing – to defend the U. S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. The cost seems too great to live up to this vow.

It was excellent journalism to read twice in the Tulsa Beacon (Jan. 28, Feb. 4, 2021) the questions raised about Senator James Lankford’s being  one among those challenging the fraudulent election outcome.

When push came to shove, he caved in and agreed with those who certified the stolen election results.  (Supposedly the Jan. 6 certification/challenge ceased due to the hoax of a Trump riot that ensued and delayed the final tally. Another rationalization to not keep his agreement?) This action was a great disappointment to many of us who expected him to exhibit courage and virtue in keeping his word to represent his constituents in this controversial situation.  

Just like the virus/pandemic is used to rationalize the many wrongful government mandates (lockdowns, social distance, church services restricted or prohibited,  schools closed, many businesses shuttered. Not a word appeared saying Congressman Markwayne Mullin’s stand for the search for truth. Senator Jim Inhofe found it convenient to “go along” and avoid the challenge. He is not needing to campaign for re-election.

When Lankford and Mullin and other legislators display lack of courage because the cost is seen as personally and politically  too great to behave a statesman keeping his oath of service, hopefully constituents will remember who took a powerful stand even if it meant standing alone.

 God has ways of rewarding those who are standing for the truth whatever the cost. We citizens need to remember to vet candidates for elected office who know what it means to speak the truth and live it  when representing those of us who vote for them. God Himself has ways, miraculous ways, to honor those who honor Him and He can raise up funding that is sufficient to run a successful campaign.