Never in the history of the United States have citizens been ordered by law to wear a facemask, social-distance yourselves from other people, and to limit the number of people who can participate in a public or private assembly.

And yet, this is exactly what some cities and states are doing across this nation.  People are being told to stay home from work, don’t go to church, don’t go to school, and wear a facemask in public.

These orders not only violate the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, they will be impossible to enforce . . . especially since many of these same cities are defunding their Police Departments.  In addition, if we continue to pursue this foolishness the economic engine of this nation will grind to a complete halt. 

We are already seeing businesses going broke, people losing their jobs and being unable to pay their rent; and many are having to rely on public assistance to feed their families.  And yet, the politicians making these “rules” are not similarly affected because they continue being paid by taxpayer dollars as they continue to lecture us from the comfort and security of their own home.

They seem to be oblivious to this fact:  As the American economy slows down, so does the flow of tax revenue.  And if they allow this insanity to continue, there will not be enough tax revenue to pay their salaries and other related expenses; i.e., travel, office staff, healthcare insurance, and government retirement pensions.  What will these politicians do then?

It appears that the politicians, the swamp, the deep state (unelected government bureaucrats) and the fake-news media are only planning to continue this madness until the November 2020 election is over and President Trump is replaced by Joe Biden.  If that happens, they believe that they will then have complete control over “we the people” and can dictate to us how their “fundamentally transformed” government will operate, and anyone who dares to disagree will be silenced and powerless to resist.  And they may even suddenly announce they’ve found a cure for Covid-19.

Do Not Overlook the Bigger Picture

This Chinese Virus, Covid-19, is a manmade virus, and is being used by the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and other like-minded progressive/socialist billionaires as a precursor for the One World Government, and the Mark of the Beast as described in the Holy Bible, Revelation, chapter 13.

The Antichrist will be the ruler of the Bible-prophesied One World Government, and he will require every person (rich or poor) to take the “Mark” in order to buy, sell, or trade.  Do you see the similarity of what we are doing today, and how being forced to wear a facemask (or stay home) can lead to more and more restrictions on our personal freedoms? 

In fact, the Antichrist also uses the “Mark” as evidence of allegiance to him, and anyone who refuses to take the “Mark” is put to death.

And don’t be lulled into thinking that a vaccine will solve the Covid-19 plague.  NBC News just announced a new “tick virus” has been discovered which mimics Covid-19 – and at the same time, Bott Radio announced there is a “new” Swine Flu, also coming out of China.  This evilness is not going to stop until God intercedes.

This is not a conspiracy theory . . . This is life in the world we are living in today, and it behooves all of us to fall on our knees and pray that these evil-minded people never get complete control over this nation.

Think about these things:

Every human being (male and female) was made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), and yet, we are now being told to hide that image behind a facemask.  Jesus told his born-again followers that they were the light of the world, and they were to let that light shine for all the world to see (Matthew 5:14-16).  But how can we do that if we are told to cover our face and avoid congregating with other people?  

God said, “I am the Lord that healeth thee” (Exodus 15:26).  “I am the shelter from the storm” (Isaiah 25:4).  “I am your refuge and will protect you from any pestilence or plagues that come your way” (from Psalm 91).  And the Apostle Paul said, “If you confess with your mouth ‘Jesus is Lord’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).

So what are we supposed to do?

We must get right with God and pray that these evil-minded people do not succeed in their plans for this nation. 

And pray that the people of this great nation will come to their senses, rise up, and demand that we stop the barbarian pagan ritual of aborting our innocent babies – and – that we put an end to the perversion and foolishness of same-sex marriage and the LGBTQ+ lifestyle.  These sins are an abomination in the eyes of Almighty God, and if God sees that we are sincere in our sorrowful repentance, he will respond accordingly.