How about a news quiz?

Here we go.

1. What is the worst thing that happened in the last 12 months?

  1. The pandemic
  2. The February blizzards
  3. Joe Biden
  4. All of the above

2. Which athlete is the greatest of all time?

  1. Tom Brady
  2. Pele
  3. Julius Irving
  4. Mickey Mantle

3. If you get the Chinese coronavirus, how long will you be immune from getting it again?

  1. Three weeks
  2. Three months
  3. Six months
  4. No one knows.

4. In a blizzard, which energy source is most reliable?

  1. Solar panels
  2. Giant wind turbines
  3. Hydroelectric
  4. Natural gas

5. Public school students learn the most when:

  1. They are in the classroom
  2. When they are home on their computers
  3. In the summer
  4. They transfer to a private school or home school.

6. The most trustworthy news source is:

  1. CNN
  2. MSNBC
  3. NBC
  4. Carrier pigeon

7. What is the most accurate end to this sentence: Open borders…

  1. Don’t break immigration laws
  2. Don’t put a strain on social services
  3. Don’t allow criminals into America
  4. Are illegal.

8. The safest way to transport oil is:

  1. By truck
  2. By Warren Buffet’s railroad
  3. By horseback
  4. By pipeline

9. The best way to balance the federal budget is to:

  1. Raise taxes on the middle class
  2. Raise taxes on the rich
  3. Raise taxes on small businesses
  4. Cut spending.

10. The worst president in the last 50 years was:

  1. Jimmy Carter
  2. Bill Clinton
  3. Barack Obama
  4. Joe Biden

11. Oklahoma’s 100-plus tribal casinos are:

  1. Destroying families
  2. Lowering the net worth of gamblers
  3. Counterfeit economic development
  4. All of the above.

12. The best benefit of wearing a face mask is:

  1. It stops you from getting the virus.
  2. It stops you from giving someone the virus.
  3. It gives local government more control over everyone.
  4. It makes it hard to identify you when you rob a bank.

13. The person who should be the permanent replacement for the late Rush Limbaugh on his show is:

  1. Mark Steyn
  2. Mark Steyn
  3. Mark Steyn
  4. Mark Steyn

14. The Communist government of China:

  1. Doesn’t run Muslim concentration camps.
  2. Is a fair trade partner for the United States.
  3. Had no role in the spread of the coronavirus.
  4. Loves the Biden family.

15. The hallmark of higher education in America is:

  1. Free speech
  2. Cheap tuition
  3. A useful education
  4. None of the above.

16. If the parents of a young boy wants a sex change, they should:

  1. Give him hormone blockers.
  2. Sign up for the surgery.
  3. Tell him he can’t change.
  4. Be put in jail for child abuse.

17. Which of the following is unconstitutional?

  1. 48-hour impeachment trials in the House
  2. Impeaching someone who is out of office
  3. Denying defense witnesses in a Senate trial
  4. All of the above.

18. Social Security will go broke:

  1. In 2025
  2. In 2030
  3. In 2035
  4. When Kamala Harris becomes president.

19. The best person to listen to for political advice is:

  1. LeBron James
  2. Michael Moore
  3. Rachel Maddow
  4. None of the above.

20. The definition of “white supremacist” is:

  1. Anyone who voted for Trump, black or white
  2. Any Caucasian
  3. Anyone who doesn’t support antifa, a socialist group
  4. None of the above.

21. Global warming:

  1. Caused the February blizzard in Oklahoma
  2. Can be stopped by the Paris Agreement
  3. Is caused by cattle passing gas
  4. Has been replaced by “climate change” because it is less ridiculous.

22. People are moving from New York to Florida because of:

  1. Confiscatory taxation
  2. Gov. Andrew Cuomo
  3. Unconstitutional pandemic restrictions
  4. All of the above

23. People are moving from California to Texas because of:

  1. Government overreach
  2. Environmental protectionism
  3. Gov. Gavin Newsom
  4. All of the above

24. Wildfires in California were caused by:

  1. Global warming
  2. Climate change
  3. Spontaneous combustion
  4. Poor forest management

25. Biden’s favorite nation in the Middle East is:

  1. Iran
  2. Iraq
  3. Palestinians
  4. Not Israel.

The best answers are all D.

God help us for the next four years. Keep praying for America.