The term “liberal” is derived from the word “liberty.” This implies that liberals are supportive of liberty. Yet all of the liberal institutions in our society are being controlled from the top down in a cult-like chain of command which has eclipsed any amount of power held by the so-called “right wing” institutions.

At the top of the liberal totem pole is the generically labeled “Deep State,” which is composed of men and women who resemble the villains in a 1960s James Bond flick.

These individuals sit at long tables and casually discuss the best ways to strip away civil liberties by using subtle methods that are designed to fly under the radar of the unknowing public.

These bureaucrats maintain a strict, legalistic attitude and are fundamentally allergic toward anything that remotely resembles wholesome freedom.

Yet they are “tolerant” towards moral perversions, such as drugs, porn, abortion, homosexuality, casinos and witchcraft because those vices can be used to promote their philosophies of population control.

There is nothing wrong with “being by the book,” but if the leaders of our country are not following the instructions of the Bible or the Constitution, then that leaves a large, gaping question:

What book are they reading from?