Now that the U.S. Military is finally admitting and showing proof of unidentified flying objects (UFOs), the question is where did they come from and what it their purpose.

An unclassified report on UFOs is headed to Congress this month. The director of national intelligence and secretary of defense were instructed to investigate “Unidentified aerial phenomenon that pose a threat to military assets.”

Most of the confirmed sighting are around U.S. military bases.

“Men and women we have entrusted with the defense of our country are reporting encounters with unidentified aircraft with superior capabilities,” said U.S. Sen. Mark Rubio, R-Florida, and vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. 

“We cannot allow the stigma of UFO’s to keep us from seriously investigating this. The forthcoming report is one step in that process, but it will not be the last.”

What could be the explanation?

Are they aliens from Outer Space? This hasn’t been disproven but considering how far away they would have to come, this seems highly unlikely.

Are they military craft from Russia or China? This might be the case and if it is, it is disturbing because these UFOs use technology that we cannot replicate.

Are the “swamp gas” or weather balloons? No. This was a common lie that federal officials told for decades.

Are they demons or angels? Could be. There are supernatural forces – including God’s angels and Satan’s fallen demons – who operate secretly in our world.

The Pentagon confirmed a video that showed three unidentified objects hovering around the USS Russell in 2019.

Whatever the case, the federal government must find out the truth and then share it with the public.