The reasons most heard, for (Lincoln Riley’s) leaving seems to be about three things. One of them being that he left for a significant salary increase.
A second reason being for the opportunity of returning the Trojans to a powerful football team as Pete Carroll did. With his recruiting ability to have drawn California players to Oklahoma, and thinking of what he could do with such ability, would certainly have entered into his decision.
A third reason mentioned, is that Riley wasn’t particularly happy with OU’s impending move to the SEC. All three things could have played a significant part in his decision to leave Oklahoma.
Riley has been blasted, by some, for saying that his decision was not made until after the loss to OSU. He didn’t say that he wasn’t offered the job earlier, nor did he say that he hadn’t been weighing it! He just said as to when his decision was made.
With liberalism being alive and well in Norman, with the way the Norman City Council tried to illegally reduce their police budget in 2020, one can be sure that liberal ideas are alive at the University of Oklahoma, as schools and universities are where such ideas are generally hatched.
Creeping liberalism, with its anti-law enforcement and anti disciplinary thinking is not the environment for establishing, or maintaining a solid athletic program, My prayer is, that Lincoln Riley has not jumped from the pan into the fire. Many Californians have fled that state and more are wanting to leave. To be sure, there are college-age athletes of the same mind! However, what might God be doing, in California, and other liberal places, because of Christians praying for an awaking in such places?
The bottom line question to be asked is: Might Lincoln Riley have caught a glimpse of such an awakening?