It’s hard to tell these days where U.S. Sen. James Lankford, R-Oklahoma, stands on the issues.
Lankford indicated that he was concerned enough about voter fraud in some states that he would vote against certifying the results of the Electoral College to make Joe Biden president.
Then Lankford changed his mind and dropped his objections. Apparently, he got new information that there wasn’t enough voter fraud in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania and other states to warrant a further investigation.
Many conservatives viewed this as Lankford turning his back on former President Trump and consequently the 75 million (or more) who voted for Trump, including a majority of Oklahomans.
Then the Tulsa Race Massacre Commission called for his resignation from that bureaucratic body because Lankford challenged the idea that voter fraud occurred in some large cities – including Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago and others – that have large minority populations.
There were essentially calling Lankford a “racist” for insisting on honest elections.
So, Lankford apologized to the commission for being “insensitive” to their claims of “voter suppression” in minority populated cities.
This is wishy washy.
There was no measurable voter suppression of minorities in the 2020 presidential election. But there was a multitude of instances of voter fraud in which local election officials manipulated state law, held back Republican monitors and used electronic voting that is easily altered.
Lankford entered politics as an ideologue – a conservative Christian. Now he has become a full-fledged politician, changing positions to try to make everyone happy.
Lankford has a reputation for sticking to his strong convictions. For the sake of Oklahoma and the United States, he needs to abandon Washington, D.C., politics and regain his Oklahoma values.