Why are the churches silent today? Jesus wasn’t. (Neither was Moses)
Jesus stepped into the public square and took a position related to pressing matters like disease prevention, high interest rates charged to the poor, discrimination, violent factions, empire building, fair taxation, and big government.
Then the issue in prevention was widespread “demon” infestation, today vaccine fear and mental health. Then the issue was temple money changers, today payday loan predators.
Then the issue was mis-treatment of Samaritans and displaced fishermen, today immigrants and minorities. Then the issue was zealotry and Peter’s sword, today “liberty” gun action advocates.
Then the issue was Rome’s legions in Palestine, today America’s endless wars and foreign occupations. Then the issue was the rich “casting in” (paying taxes) only on their unearned excess, not their actual earnings, today regressive taxation.
Then the issue was adult children sidestepping care of their elderly parents (Jesus called this process “Corban,” or shifting this responsibility to the government), today federal and state takeover of local and private welfare programs.
It is time for the churches to encourage civic participation by their members, stressing politically ethical (constitutional) approaches and policies.