God is looking down on Earth with an agape love, the God love. He is so moved with love for his created man and how He longs for man to come to this love He offers.
Jesus, His only Son, come to reflect this God love to man – so much so that He gave His life to redeem man back to God. Jesus was pure and a sinless, spotless sacrifice as He laid down His life for redemption for lost man, who was doomed for eternity in Hell without God.
Jesus was God’s gift to man to bring him back to God. This gift is free, without cost. Jesus paid the price by shedding His precious blood – for without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin. The vicious assaults Jesus suffered showed the fallen, sin-filled hate man extended toward God and His Word. Satan, using man, thought with this vengeance he would stop redemption’s plan. Satan’s effort backfired.
Jesus finished redemption’s plan. Jesus is Lord. Jesus made an open show of Satan. America must repent for its rebellion against God and refusing to hear God’s Word. God’s Word is not obsolete and has not changed. Man has changed to lust after his own desires. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Amen.
Follow God’s Word – be blessed.
Rebel against God’s Word – be cursed.
Why is America being cursed?