Perhaps Mayor G.T. Bynum knows little about the work for integration in the 1950s. The goal was to offer equal rights. You know, “separate but equal” didn’t work too well. To me, it is puzzling – or are there other motives at work here?

Will we see groups formed and paid funds by Tulsa citizens?

Will see lawsuits filed by “treasure hunters” to collect a fee as a reward?

What will be required to verify bones that are found? Who was this person?

Then it will have to be verified as to who caused the death. It doesn’t seem to be a good way to attract visitors to Tulsa. Do we tell visitors or people who plan to visit to come and see one of the mistakes made in the past? Should Tulsa taxpayers be prepared to see related tax raises? Are we not too busy pointing out the “sinners” in the past? I believe we will be better served to see if we are acting correctly or future generations may judge us as confused and misdirected.