Joe Biden embraces high gasoline prices because he wants to force Americans to rely on renewal sources, like wind power.

The U.S. Dept. of the Interior is racing along to build two first-ever wind power grids near the coastal cities of Humboldt and Morro Bay in California.

Will this work?

Solar and wind farms need hundreds of square miles to work efficiently. And they don’t produce a steady flow of electricity. The Energy Information Administration reported that wind turbines ran at 44% capacity in March of 2021 but didn’t reach 23% in July of 2021.

That disrupts transmission lines. When the winds don’t blow, they don’t produce power.

Biden sent a letter to oil companies threatening them with executive intervention if they do not increase capacity at refineries. Biden blamed oil companies for “historically high profit margins.”

Biden either doesn’t understand business or he is a socialist or both. Biden has threatened to end the oil and natural gas industry to “save the planet” and Biden wants investors and banks to stay away from oil and gas investing.

Why would an industry under such threats cooperate with Biden by cutting their profits? Biden wants only electric cars and he wants Americans to pay through the nose to speed up this green transition.

This is madness. It hurts families, especially poor families. This is a small minority of progressive environmentalists who want to control the lives of ordinary people and it needs to stop.