Woodland Hills Mall is owned by Simon Properties which opened 49 of its malls and outlet centers by May 4. Penn Square Mall in Oklahoma City also re-opened Friday.

Business hours at the malls will be limited to 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday and noon to 6 p.m. Sunday to allow for cleaning overnight. The mall will be sanitizing high-touch areas such as food court tables, escalators, door handles and electronic directories.

The mall has asked retailers to do the same in their stores. Woodland Hills Mall will encourage shoppers to take their temperatures before going to the mall. At the stores, the mall will be making free temperature testing available to customers using infrared thermometers.

Masks and hand sanitizing packets also will be available free of charge to shoppers. They encourage people to wear masks or some sort of facial coverings while they shop. Mall employees must wear masks.

Woodland Hills Mall is putting tape over every other sink and urinal in restrooms; putting decals on floors to direct traffic flow; limiting food court seating; and keeping play areas and drinking fountains closed.

Entrances to the mall are limited and occupancy will not exceed one person per 50 square feet of space through the use of traffic technology.