South Yale Avenue between East 81st Street and East 91st Street, under construction for widening from two to six lanes, reopened to through traffic on July 27.
One lane will be open in each direction until construction progresses to allow more lanes to open. The road will stay open for two-way traffic through completion of the project, scheduled for fall 2023. The road has been closed since late March (120 days), and the reopening marks the transition from Phase 2 to Phase 3 of the widening project. Phase 2 included construction of southbound permanent and temporary pavement, waterlines, storm sewer, and several retaining walls, including the largest one near Brookwood at approximately 83rd Street, where the public groundbreaking was held in November 2021.
Phase 3 will include constructing the northbound permanent pavement, more retaining walls, waterline, storm sewer and sanitary sewer. Phase 3 is scheduled to last about 10 months, into
May 2023. Then Phase 4 will conclude the project with construction of the remaining pavement and sidewalks on both sides, a new entrance to Brookwood at 85th Street, retaining walls, storm sewers, raised medians and landscaping. This $29,257,000 project funded by the Improve Our Tulsa sales tax.