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The Tulsa Beacon


Andrew Dennehy


Letter: What book do they read?

Tulsa Beacon

The term “liberal” is derived from the word “liberty.” This implies that liberals are supportive of liberty. Yet all of the liberal institutions in our society are being controlled from the top down in a cult-like chain of command which has eclipsed any amount of power held by the so-called “right wing” institutions. At the…

Letter: Liberal theology and dictatorship

Tulsa Beacon

This is liberal theology in action. First the Elites use super-pacs to determine who the presidential candidates will be. Second, “we the people” select a president using electronic voting machines that were designed by the Elites. Third, once in office, the president follows the advice of Elite “presidential advisors” who steer the direction of our…

Letter: Racism and Biden’s hypocrisy

Tulsa Beacon

Non-racist individuals tend to judge other people in society based on character or job performance rather than ethnicity or social status. Perhaps the most racist individuals living among us are psychologically aware of their flawed mentality and therefore overcompensate on their efforts not to appear racist in front of others. This would explain why Joe…

Letter: Authoritarianism threat

Tulsa Beacon

The elites in power have spent several hundred years making the world appear more complicated and complex than it truly is. As a result, the notion that a small cabal of Satanists being capable of manipulating world events as described in the Book of Revelation comes across to the spiritually uninformed as sounding “simplistic” and…

Letter: Racial conflicts

Tulsa Beacon

It’s as if “liberal progressives” are “closet separatists” who dig us and smear racial strife while hypocritically preaching against it. Rather than allowing racism to simply die out over time perhaps, they envision the world being run in the format of an “equality based theme park” where every racial ethnicity and sexual perversion is pumped…

Letter: Improve racial relationships

Tulsa Beacon

Police brutality affects people living below the poverty line from all different races and creeds. It was disgusting and tragic what happened to George Floyd as well as all the other people in America who have fallen victim to the militarization of local police departments. But we also must realize that the elites in power…

Letter: Shocking Supreme Court

Tulsa Beacon

Does anybody find it shocking that the American people voted for a Republican president who then placed justices on our Supreme Court and yet the “so-called conservatives” have now declared that both homosexuals and transgenders are protected under the term “sex” in LBJ’s Civil Rights Act of 1964? The notion that six people can retroactively…

Letter: False theories from pseudo-science

Tulsa Beacon

Many atheists attack Christianity by arrogantly stating that “religion is not compatible with science.”  However, true science is simply the outside study of nature which is God’s Creation. Furthermore, throughout history, there have been many fascist dictators who have been known to manipulate the facts of science in order to suit their own agenda. When…

Letter: America must read the Bible

Tulsa Beacon

When people are in a relationship with God, they rely on God’s Word to make moral decisions. When a nation rejects God, then the people must look to other sources for rules and civil structure, otherwise anarchy will occur. When this happens, the citizens begin to view man-made government as a spiritual babysitter and they…

Letter: No children at Gay ‘Pride’ parade

Tulsa Beacon

It’s common sense that America has laws which prevent children from entering “adult only” establishments such as bars, liquor stores, casinos and strip clubs. Likewise, it is a crime to supply underage juveniles with alcohol or drugs. And everybody cringes at the idea of children growing up in a crack house. Yet there seems to…