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The Tulsa Beacon


Duane Collins

Letter: Media ignored Obama’s mistake

Tulsa Beacon

On October 27, President Trump announced that U.S. Special Operation Forces executed a daring night raid on ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s headquarters in northwest Syria, and the 48-year-old ISIS leader was killed.  This was good news for the whole world.  But the news media has been silent about Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi being released from…

Letter: Collaboration versus resistance

Tulsa Beacon

The U.S. Labor Department recently reported the unemployment rate in the United States has dropped to a 50-year low of 3.5%.  More than 6.1 million new jobs have been created (created not saved) since President Trump took office in January 2017.  In addition, the stock market (Dow Jones Industrial Average) has grown from 18,142 on…

Letter: An Open Letter to President Trump:

Tulsa Beacon

On October 22nd, CBN News reported U.S. tax dollars are being used to purchase aborted baby body parts, and experiments are being conducted by our government, merging those baby body parts with mice. The report says last year, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded 200 similar studies across 50 different institutions, mostly universities, in…

Letter: SCOTUS should not grant special rights to homosexuals

Tulsa Beacon

There was a time in America when employers hired people strictly on the basis of who they thought could best do the job.  Of course, there were some who deviated from that plan, and hired friends and relatives who were not always the best people for that job.  That’s to be expected in any human…

Letter: Drain the Swamp in Washington

Tulsa Beacon

The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) allowed drug makers to increase production of opioids even as overdose deaths were skyrocketing, according to a report released September 30th by the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General. While opioid overdose deaths grew by 71% per year between 2013 and 2017, the DEA authorized manufacturers to produce “substantially…

Letter: The ruling to allow topless women shows our moral slide

Tulsa Beacon

Topless women roller skated in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on the River Park Trails, at 41st Street and Riverside Drive, on Sunday evening, September 29, 2019.  According to KOTV News, Jaq Landers, one of the events co-creators on Facebook, said they were supporting the national “Free the Nipple” movement.  Ms. Landers said the idea had attracted more…

Letter: Democrats want to take our cars

Tulsa Beacon

Democrat presidential candidate Andrew Yang says the United States may have to eliminate private car ownership to combat climate change. At a climate forum at Georgetown University, hosted by MSNBC on September 19, 2019, Yang described private car ownership as “really inefficient and bad for the environment.”  He told the audience, “You guys all probably…

Letter: Democrat National Committee seeks to recruit atheist voters

Tulsa Beacon

World News Daily (WND) reports the Democratic National Convention (DNC) is reaching out to the demographic of people who are unaffiliated with any religious belief [which the DNC says] has tripled in the last twenty years, and now represents 25% of the overall American population and 35% of those under the age of 30. WND…

Letter: Unworkable socialism from Sanders

Tulsa Beacon

On August 30th, Bernie Sanders announced his plan to “cancel all U.S. medical debt” if he is elected president.  In Florence, South Carolina, Bernie made that campaign promise, saying, “Medical debt is the leading cause of consumer bankruptcy, and he wants to eliminate it.” Reuters reports the existing past-due medical debt amounts to $81 Billion,…

Letter: God created only male and female

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa’s Mayor G. T. Bynum signed an executive order on August 19 to add gender identity and expression to the City of Tulsa’s non-discrimination policy. What is so foolish about Mayor Bynum’s executive order, the LGBTQ movement, and the impending legislation passed by the U.S. House (the Equality Act H.R. 5), is the fact that…