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The Tulsa Beacon


Duane Collins

Letter: Stopping abortion is the top issue

Tulsa Beacon

An open letter to President Trump: Dear Mr. President, The most important issue in this election is abortion, and yet politicians are afraid to clearly speak out against abortion.   And yet, almost every politician ends their speech with: “God bless America.” The American people need to stop and think: How can God bless America while…

Letter: The Israeli peace accord was historic

Tulsa Beacon

Something very significant took place on September 14, 2020, and it was almost totally ignored by the fake-news media.  In fact, Nancy Pelosi said “it was just a publicity stunt by Trump to detract from Covid-19.” On September 14, 2020, President Trump presided over the signing of an historic agreement between Israel, the United Arab…

Letter: Don’t be fooled by all these liars

Tulsa Beacon

The world today is full of liars.  People have become so self-centered and so prideful of themselves, they will say or do whatever it takes to get ahead.  If that means going on TV or social media and telling boldfaced lies, or writing a tell-all book, they will do it. What is wrong with these…

Letter: The American people had better wake up

Tulsa Beacon

Common sense and reasonable thinking seems to be disappearing in today’s world.  Tulsa Public Schools (TPS) will not allow students to return to the school house; instead, they are required to do distant-learning through the Internet.  Meanwhile, the Mayor of Tulsa, who supports the TPS policy, has implemented a “new” plan of his own, whereby…

Letter: God can stop the coronavirus plague anytime He wants

Tulsa Beacon

The Lord can stop Covid-19 anytime he wants.  This is not the first time a plague has been used to get people’s attention and call them to repentance. When the king of Egypt refused to free the Israelites from the bondage of slavery in 1446 BC, the Lord unleashed ten different plagues on the Egyptian…

Letter: God chose Trump to help America now

Tulsa Beacon

We are on the verge of losing this nation as rioting, anarchy, and lawlessness spreads across America.  And yet it would appear that many American voters are completely oblivious to what is actually going on in this nation. The global power-brokers are hard at work, investing hundreds of millions of dollars, to make sure the…

Letter: Could this man-made virus be used for some evil scheme?

Tulsa Beacon

The United States has tested over 61 million people for the China virus and as of (August 5), 4.85 million confirmed cases of Covid-19 have been reported.  This indicates that 92% of the people tested do not have the virus; in fact, many of those tested had no symptoms, but they requested a test anyway….

Letter: Is it too late for the United States?

Tulsa Beacon

As of July 25, 2020, there were 146,418 deaths in the USA this year due to the China Virus, Covid-19.  During that same period, there were 498,171 deaths in the USA due to abortion. Think about that.  We are willingly and purposely killing our innocent babies at a rate 3 ½ times greater than the…

Letter: Wearing a mask is just the start

Tulsa Beacon

Never in the history of the United States have citizens been ordered by law to wear a facemask, social-distance yourselves from other people, and to limit the number of people who can participate in a public or private assembly. And yet, this is exactly what some cities and states are doing across this nation.  People…

Letter: Dems won’t stop killing babies

Tulsa Beacon

As inconceivable as it may seem, on February 25, Senate Democrats refused to authorize life-saving medical assistance to babies who survive a botched abortion. Instead, they decided to let the baby lie unattended until their tiny heart stops beating. Senate Republicans put forth Senate Bill S.311, entitled “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act” making it mandatory…