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The Tulsa Beacon


Nancy Huff

Teach the Children International


Lesson from “Letter to the American Church”

Tulsa Beacon

Eric Metaxas’ most recent book, Letter to the American Church, gives hope for a true revival in America. Drawing from the rich resources of research for his 2011 biography, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, Metaxas chronicles the attempts of the young pastor, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who spoke truth to the German Church, warning them of the…

Letter: Obscene books in Bixby

Tulsa Beacon

Last year, Janice Danforth, faced opposition when she addressed her concerns about two books, she found in the Bixby public school library. The books, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl and Thirteen Reasons Why contain explicit sexual content. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl contained over 200 uses of the “F” word and…

Letter: Covid money for OSDE liberal causes

Tulsa Beacon

With unprecedented speed and seemingly an unending supply of COVID money, the Federal Department of Education (DOE) is feverishly handing out grants to the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE). The OSDE received almost $1.5 billion in American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) funds in July. On Aug. 25, another $13.5…

Letter: Labor unions and indoctrination

Tulsa Beacon

The two labor unions that serve America’s public schools are the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). The NEA is the largest union in the US, with over 3 million members. The AFT boasts 1.7 million members. With those two powerful entities looking over our nation’s teachers, we should have…