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The Tulsa Beacon



Going to Branson after Christmas was a family affair

Tulsa Beacon

One even-numbered years, we like to take our family on a Christmas cruise but because of the Chinese coronarvirus, last month we drove to Branson, Missouri, for six days between Christmas and New Year’s. It was a lot cheaper but a lot less exciting. We rented a four-bedroom condo near the lake in Branson. We…

Making lemonade out of a warehouse of dinosaur droppings

Tulsa Beacon

I have a friend who owns a company that sells many products on television. One day he got an unusual call. It was a group of archaeologists who had a warehouse full of petrified dinosaur dung. The dung had taken over their warehouse and needed to be cleared out. As he was telling me the…

Biden has a chance to be the worst president in my life

Tulsa Beacon

The first president I remember as a child was President John F. Kennedy. Of course, the big news was his assassination. I was in school at Burbank Elementary when the mother of a classmate came to give us a ride home. We were all terribly upset. We had no idea what would happen. So, the…

Remember the Bible and good things God has done for you

Tulsa Beacon

Four-year-old Cohen the Goodhearted was sitting on the floor, his face buried deep in his hands as he sobbed. Cohen is exceptionally talented at faking being upset and will probably win an Oscar for this talent, but this was not that. His little body heaved, and the sobbing grew deeper. His dad walked over and…

Weight loss, travel and more make the resolution list

Tulsa Beacon

Here are some of my New Year’s resolutions. I want to be healthier in 2021. That involves losing some weight, exercising more and eating good food. I want to pray more. That may sound odd but the older I become, the more I realize the impact of prayer. So many people have prayed for me…

Christmas is a great time to share a some hope with others

Tulsa Beacon

Hope. That’s the message of Christmas. God created the world and the universe and then He created mankind. We sinned and that formed a barrier between us and God. God is holy and we can’t enter His presence without being cleansed from our sin. In His wisdom, God sent Jesus, His only Son, as a…

Dust-covered Christmas tree transformed into a real beaut

Tulsa Beacon

It has become a tradition in the Moore family to put up our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. For reasons unbeknownst to me, this duty has fallen my way. It always starts with a trek out to the backyard shed. Of course, all the Christmas stuff is stacked behind the lawn mower, the seed…

A daughter lovingly remembers Dr. Walter E. Williams

Tulsa Beacon

The following column is by Devon Williams, daughter of Walter E. Williams. In the late 1980s, when telemarketing was at it is peak, a company called our home during dinner. I picked up the phone and handed it to my dad. This is what we heard him say: “I’m not interested.” “No. No, thank you.”…

Christmas was great in Arkansas, Florida, Missouri, etc.

Tulsa Beacon

Christmas in the 1960s usually meant a trip to Needs Creek, Arkansas (just north of Conway) to visit Uncle Alton and Aunt Mildred. We didn’t have a bunch of gifts. Sometimes we wondered if my Dad’s 1963 Ford Galaxie would make it there without adding a quart or two of oil. Uncle Alton and Aunt…

Christmas gifts can be a big surprise – or a scary encounter

Tulsa Beacon

My personality holds one particularly amusing paradox: I think it’s funny to scare someone, but I don’t like being scared. I have never figured that one out. Many years ago, my family bought me a Christmas gift that I had been wanting, as my grandsons would say, “all my life.” I wouldn’t buy it for…