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The Tulsa Beacon



More evidence surfaces against so-called global warming

Tulsa Beacon

United Nations global warming alarmists are at it again. Recently, U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) bureaucrats sat stone-faced on television in South Korea predicting that the planet would all but perish in ten years if carbon dioxide (CO2) is allowed to continue to rise in the Earth’s atmosphere. Their solution, as presented in…

Vote for Judge Morrissey and not for the homosexual

Tulsa Beacon

What should conservative Christian voters look for in the November 6 election? Here are some insights. Christopher Uric Brecht-Smith is running against Judge Linda Morrissey for Tulsa County District Judge. His registered name on the ballot will be “Chris Brecht” because he doesn’t want unsuspecting voters to know he is “married” to another man. He…

An Excellent Interview

Tulsa Beacon

The Wall Street Journal ran an article by Jillian Kay Melchior entitled, “The Scourge of Diversity.”  The column is about Heather Mac Donald, a one-time liberal who now believes identify politics threatens higher education and civilization itself. You may recall that it was Heather Mac  Donald who was chased away from invited scheduled speeches by…

Other nations must be fair about imports and exports

Tulsa Beacon

Since PRESDT-45 has put in place tariffs on imports from nations (who have done the same to our exports to them), there has been a continuing outcry in media, at least in the local daily paper, that this will result in much higher prices for purchases here. That seems to be obvious, of course, but…

Trials become a door of hope for others

Tulsa Beacon

Ever since our children have grown up and moved out of the house, I have made it a habit to assist my wife as she shops for groceries. When we enter the store, she gives me the significant task of finding a product like toothpicks. Toothpicks are in the grocery store witness protection program, and…

Unlocking our vast natural resources

Tulsa Beacon

Just over a decade ago, America’s energy outlook was revolutionized by technological advances in hydraulic fracturing, commonly called “fracking.” While fracking, the injection of high-pressure water, sand and chemicals into rock to force natural gas and oil to be released, has been used in vertical wells since 1947, new techniques of horizontal drilling are resulting…

Here are tips about when you leave a tip and how much

Tulsa Beacon

What are the rules for tipping? When I grew up in Tulsa, you hardly ever tipped. When I was a kid, I thought that paying for a meal should be enough. When I grew up, I found out that waiters and waitresses don’t make that much in hourly pay and they depend on tips to…

Missed Opportunities and Failed Processes

Tulsa Beacon

The New York Times recently wrote about a young man age 12 named T.J., who was classified as having a disability.  Young T.J. was one of 200,000 students in New York City public schools classified as having a disability, which can be anything from mild dyslexia to a complex physical disorder.  The story refers to…

Kavanaugh circus shows we have too many judges

Tulsa Beacon

In September, we experienced one of the most disgusting displays of incivility in the “hallowed halls of Congress” in my lifetime.  Certainly there have been others, but for sheer volume and intensity of ill will and verbosity, this one seems to take the cake. Of course, the subject of this monstrosity of indignity and lawlessness…

A lonely place versus the ‘green room’

Tulsa Beacon

I have the privilege of speaking at some of the largest churches in the United States. Because the services are televised worldwide and the messages have mass exposures, there are sometimes threats from unstable individuals. When I preach in these churches, I must follow their protocols. One megachurch where I preach has a bodyguard who…