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The Tulsa Beacon



Tulsans help Operation Christmas Child

Tulsa Beacon

Many churches, schools and residents throughout Northeast Oklahomans are collecting thousands of shoeboxes filled with toys, school supplies and hygiene items this week for Operation Christmas Child. Operation Christmas Child National Collection Week, a ministry of Franklin Graham’s Samaratin’s Purse, has been collecting and delivering shoebox gifts to poor children worldwide for more than two…

Lawmakers say audit report shows that Department of Education is negligent

Tulsa Beacon

Several Republican lawmakers are speaking out on how the Oklahoma Department of Education has been negligent in monitoring money spent by that massive department. A recent report from State Auditor and Inspector Cindy Byrd on the investigative audit of EPIC Charter Schools, performed at the request of Gov. Kevin Stitt, called for further action as…

Town halls scheduled to discuss state redistricting strategy

Tulsa Beacon

The Oklahoma House of Representatives and the Oklahoma Senate set dates for a series of redistricting town hall meetings to be held across the state in the coming weeks. At each meeting, presenters will give an overview of the legislative redistricting process and cover redistricting principles. At each meeting, the public will have the chance…

Bynum makes changes in his staff

Tulsa Beacon

Starting a new four-year term, Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum has made changes in his personal staff. Kathryn Junk and former City Councilor Anna America will join the Mayor’s Office. Junk will be the chief of staff to Bynum beginning Nov. 16 and America will serve as the chief of culture and recreation effective immediately. Junk…

Questions about prostate cancer test

Tulsa Beacon

WASHINGTON, D,C, — Eight years ago the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force was recommending against PSA testing for prostate cancer. And now a new analysis by the Centers for Disease Control [CDC\ shows that metastatic prostate cancer is on the rise, reports the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]. The study showed that “although approximately…

Enid praised for its animal welfare

Tulsa Beacon

Common Bonds, an Oklahoma-based coalition of local, state and national animal welfare organizations, announced that the City of Enid will be the first municipality in the state honored through the group’s Certified Communities program. Common Bonds, which is united to raise the live release rate of cats and dogs in Oklahoma shelters to 90% by…

2020 Stock the Station Food Drive

Tulsa Beacon

The City of Tulsa began its 10th Annual Stock the Station Food Drive on Nov. 9 to help Tulsans in need this holiday season. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic – this year’s food drive will be held virtually. Instead of dropping off non-perishable food items at City facilities, residents can make a monetary donation…

GOP outperformed Democrats Nov. 3

Tulsa Beacon

Conservative Republican candidates and Republican and Democrat incumbents  fared well in the November 2 presidential election. At the top of the GOP ticket, President Donald Trump got 65% of the vote while Democrat Joe Biden only got 32% in Oklahoma. Trump won all 77 counties. The Libertarian candidate, Jo Jorgensen, got 1% (24,686 votes) and…

Wanenmacher’s Gun Show Is back on November 14-15

Tulsa Beacon

Despite the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, Wanenmacher’s Tulsa Arms Show – the “world’s largest gun show” – will go on for the 65th year in a row on November 14-15 at Expo Square in the Tulsa Fairgrounds. In March, Joe Wanenmacher and his family canceled the show on April 4-5 due to the pandemic concerns. Other…

BOK Center GM resigns as pandemic diminishes events

Tulsa Beacon

Casey Sparks has resigned as BOK Center’s general manager and she has taken a job in another city. The arena has suffered a huge financial hit during the Chinese coronavirus pandemic with very limited events since February. The next scheduled event on its website is singer Toby Mac on January 14. Country singer Alan Jackson…