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The Tulsa Beacon



Chinese propagandists funded long-time OU program

Tulsa Beacon

OU’s Confucius Institute cited by U.S. State Dept. The U.S. Department of State has declared that the Confucius Institute U.S. Center, which has long operated an institute at The University of Oklahoma, is a foreign mission of the People’s Republic of China. In a statement on the action, the U.S. Department of State said the…

Lawmaker warns about changing Oklahoma’s Medicaid

Tulsa Beacon

State Sen. Rob Standridge said after years of studying the issue of capitated managed care, he’s convinced adopting such a plan for Oklahoma would drive up costs and create a health care system that would leave the state’s most fragile citizens with inferior care.  Standridge, R-Norman, explained his concerns in a letter sent to Oklahoma…

April Graney’s new children’s book

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa native April Graney has written another Christian children’s book, The Marvelous Make, A Creation and Redemption Parable. It is set for release on September 8. The book is illustrated by Monica Garofalo and published by B&H Publishing Group of Nashville. Two years ago, Graney wrote and published her first book, The Marvelous Mud House….

New cases of Chinese coronavirus

Tulsa Beacon

As of August 31, there have been a total of 58,733 positive cases of the Chinese coronavirus in Oklahoma, according the Oklahoma Department of Health. In total, 874,676 tests have taken in Oklahoma with 806,545 negative results. As of Monday, there were 570 people in Oklahoma hospitals with the coronarvirus. Throughout the pandemic, there have…

Study to help retirement savings

Tulsa Beacon

State Rep. Marcus McEntire, R-Duncan, and State Sen. John Michael Montgomery, R-Lawton, held an interim study to increase access to retirement savings tools for people that do not have access to a plan through their employer. The two said studies show that more than 50% of working Oklahomans do not have a retirement benefits package…

Two state departments combined

Tulsa Beacon

Gov. Kevin Stitt issued an executive order for the Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security (OOHS) to consolidate locations with the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management (OEM). “After due consideration and consultation with members of my Cabinet, and employees and administrative officials at the Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security and the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management,…

New gambling compacts are OKed

Tulsa Beacon

The U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) approved the State’s two most recent gambling compacts with the Kialegee Tribal Town (KTT) and United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians (UKB). Gov. Kevin Stitt said these new gambling compacts double the fee rate on Class III games, from 6% in the 2004 Model Gaming Compact to as high…

New rates for insurance are filed

Tulsa Beacon

Insurance Commissioner Glen Mulready announced  the 2021 preliminary rate filings for health insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Insurers that offer coverage through the Oklahoma Marketplace filed plans requesting average statewide increases of 2.7 percent. The same three insurers that offered individual health plans on the 2020 Exchange will return for 2021 —…

Pemberton appointed to Court

Tulsa Beacon

Gov. Kevin Stitt appointed Judge Trevor S. Pemberton to the Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals. This is the governor’s second appointment to that Court.   “Judge Trevor Pemberton is a dedicated Oklahoman and proven legal mind who will serve our State and people well,” said Stitt.   “I am humbled and honored that Governor Stitt sees fit…

Tulsa DA Kunzweiler reappointed

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa County District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler was reappointed to the Oklahoma District Attorneys Association (ODAA) Board to represent Region 8. At a recent meeting,  District 2 District Attorney Angela Marsee, of Beckham, Custer, Ellis, Roger Mills and Washita Counties was installed as President of the Association, while District 12 District Attorney Matt Ballard, of Craig,…