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The Tulsa Beacon



Amazon to hire 1,500 in Tulsa facility

Tulsa Beacon

Amazon is hiring more than 1,500 full-time positions ahead of the launch of its TUL2 fulfillment center in Tulsa,. Employees will work alongside Amazon robotics to pick, pack and ship small items to customers such as books, electronics and toys. The hiring process will take place throughout the following weeks ahead of the opening. Starting…

Voters OK Medicaid expansion as a handful of incumbents fall

Tulsa Beacon

Medicaid will become more expensive for Oklahoma state government after voters narrowly approved a constitutional amendment to pour money into that welfare program. On June 30, State Question 802 passed by 50.58% to 49.52% with a victory margin of less 7,000 votes out of about 674,000 votes cast. On a national level, U.S. Sen. Jim…

Mayor Bynum orders all Tulsa bar workers to wear masks

Tulsa Beacon

Last week, Mayor G.T. Bynum signed an executive order that extends the civil health emergency in the city.  The following conditions have been put in place: All Tulsa bars and restaurant workers are required to wear masks while working beginning immediately. Events planned on or after July 16 with more than 500 people or more…

Lawmakers support police

Tulsa Beacon

OKLAHOMA CITY – A group of Oklahoma lawmakers want the public to know they support law enforcement officers in this state. They issued a statement: “In the past few weeks, our law enforcement professionals have come under incessant attack. We want these law enforcement professionals to know that we have their backs. As Oklahoma’s policy…

Moore police get awarded

Tulsa Beacon

OKLAHOMA CITY – Moore Police Officers were honored last week with a citation from lawmakers for their efforts in rescuing a woman from a burning car in the early morning of June 11. Reports show the woman was involved in a crash with a suspected drunk driver who was driving at a high rate of…

Stitt makes appointments

Tulsa Beacon

Gov. Kevin Stitt has appointed Kevin Corbett as Secretary of Health and Mental Health and Elizabeth Pollard as Secretary of Science and Innovation as former Secretaries Jerome Loughridge and Dr. Kayse Shrum are returning to their full-time careers. “We are fortunate to have the ability to promote talented people like Secretary Kevin Corbett and Secretary…

TPS to start on August 31

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa Public Schools have moved the start of classes back to August 31 for the fall semester and moved the end of the spring term to June 8 due to concerns over the coronavirus. Also, regular classes will take place on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and Wednesdays will be devoted to “distance learning days.”…

More federal assistance

Tulsa Beacon

OKLAHOMA CITY – Gov. Kevin Stitt, joined with interim Health Commissioner Lance Frye, MD and Secretary of Science and Innovation Elizabeth Pollard, announced three new CARES Act grants to support efforts through the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) to address the COVID-19 pandemic. Stitt also announced his intent to file an executive order for…

TCC lays off 27 but will not raise its tuition this semester

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa Community College has taken steps to address a tighter budget as it shifts operations for the 2020-2021 fiscal year. TCC eliminated 27 full-time positions, primarily non-instructional staff, from the 2020-2021 budget. “The decision was not made lightly but is necessary to keep TCC lean and flexible as we address the changing needs of the…

AMAC supports Trump’s decision

Tulsa Beacon

WASHINGTON, D.C.  – “President Trump’s Executive Order for Safe Policing for Safe Communities goes a long way toward the goal of dealing with the ‘bad apples’ in law enforcement. It sends a message that law and order can and will be maintained in a disciplined manner that protects law abiding citizens while acknowledging the rights…