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The Tulsa Beacon



Task force is formed to help Oklahoma’s beef industry

Tulsa Beacon

OKLAHOMA CITY – An Oklahoma beef task force designed to analyze problems in marketing and processing beef has been organized by State Rep. Justin Humphrey, R-Lane, and State Sen. David Bullard, R-Durant. The two legislators have invited independent ranchers, meat buyers, meat processors, livestock auction owners and meat inspectors to convene and identify financial obstacles…

Tulsa Port of Catoosa gets a $6.1m federal grant

Tulsa Beacon

WASHINGTON — U.S. Rep. Markwayne Mullin, R-Oklahoma, and U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Oklahoma, announced that the City of Tulsa – Rogers County Port Authority will be awarded a $6.1 million grant to support the construction and improvement of rail transportation and utility infrastructure in support of a new two-million-square-foot manufacturing and distribution facility at the…

OSHD seeking bids for a more accountable system

Tulsa Beacon

OKLAHOMA CITY – In order to improve Oklahoma’s health outcomes, increase access to health care and foster a more accountable system, the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) will seek proposals from qualified managed care organizations to facilitate health care services to eligible and enrolled members of Oklahoma’s Medicaid program, commonly known as SoonerCare.  The managed…

Stitt meets with officials to discuss CARES funding

Tulsa Beacon

OKLAHOMA CITY– Governor Kevin Stitt was joined by city and county leaders to announce the State has begun fulfilling reimbursement requests for CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Funds, fulfilling 30 percent of city and county requests in the first 7 days of receiving applications.  From June 1 to June 10, the State received a total of…

Oklahoma Dems applaud SCOTUS homosexual ruling

Tulsa Beacon

The Oklahoma Democrat Party applauded the U.S. Supreme Court decision to award special rights to homosexuals and to people who undergo “sex changes.” “Today is a historic victory for the LGBTQ+ community. Today’s decision and progress could not have happened without the courageous actions of thousands of activists and the many fighting for equal rights,”…

Worlds of Fun Park in KC re-opened on June 22nd

Tulsa Beacon

KANSAS CITY, Missouri – Worlds of Fun amusement park opened the 2020 Season on June 22 with stringent health, safety and hygiene protocols in place to protect its guests and ambassadors. The park will initially open to Season Passholders exclusively, with daily ticket sales to begin in early July.  Reservations will be required for all…

Col. Lance Frye is named interim commissioner of health

Tulsa Beacon

OKLAHOMA CITY – Air National Guardsman Col. Lance Frye, Oklahoma National Guard State Air Surgeon, was named as Oklahoma’s interim commissioner of health by Gov. Kevin Stitt, May 22, 2020. As the state air surgeon, Frye is the Oklahoma Air National Guard’s senior medical officer and advisor to the Adjutant General. He is responsible for…

President will restart his campaign rallies Saturday

Tulsa Beacon

President Donald Trump has chosen Tulsa as the location to restart his “Make America Great Again” campaign rallies which were suspended due to concerns about the coronavirus. The campaign rally will be at 7 p.m. Saturday at the BOK Center, , in Downtown. That could change because more than one million Americans have requested tickets. …

Visitors allowed at nursing facilities as Oklahoma continues to re-open

Tulsa Beacon

Oklahoma continues to open up following the Chinese coronavirus outbreak. Gov. Kevin Stitt on Monday amended an executive order that allows long-term care facilities, nursing home and other residential care services to begin visitation. Caution is advised, especially for facilities that have had diagnosed cases of coronavirus. “It is important we take a measured and…

June 30 Primary

Tulsa Beacon

Medicaid up for vote Tulsans will go to the polls on June 30 to vote for the first time since the coronavirus pandemic. There are several national, state, county and school votes. And there is a State Questions 802, which would expand Medicaid in Oklahoma. Here is information on ballot choice in Tulsa and Tulsa…