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The Tulsa Beacon



Richisons donate $1m to OETA

Tulsa Beacon

A $1 million donation from the Richison Family Foundation, established by Paycom’s founder and CEO, Chad Richison, has been made to Friends of OETA, Inc. According to OETA Executive Director Polly Anderson, “I want to extend my deepest gratitude to Mr. Richison and all of those at the Richison Family Foundation for supporting OETA and…

State biologist studying gamebirds

Tulsa Beacon

STILLWATER  – Wildlife biologists in Oklahoma have some new insights into the annual reproduction of gamebirds, thanks to a smartphone app that was developed last year. Oklahoma State University wildlife specialists, along with experts from the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, created the Gamebird Brood Observation app to help gain a better understanding of gamebird…

Yakov Smirnoff opens in Branson

Tulsa Beacon

Yakov Smirnoff will be the on of the first headliner comedians to perform before a live audience in Branson during the city’s reopening following the COVID-19 pandemic’s “stay-at-home-orders.” Smirnoff becomes a first responder with his NEW show, “Laughter Rx FDA Approved” with Dr. Yakov Smirnoff prescribing laughter as an antidote.   Smirnoff kicked off the season…

Capitol Statue

Democrats, GOP leaders join forces to override vetoes

Tulsa Beacon

Liberal Democrats and Republican leaders joined forces to override a series of budget bill vetoes by Gov. Kevin Stitt and enact a controversial new budget. Stitt said he was excluded from the budget process, which was crafted by GOP leaders and it sets the stage for GOP-led tax increases in 2021. “This budget was created…

Senate passes bill to help protect the beef industry

Tulsa Beacon

The Oklahoma Meat Consumer Protection Act passed the Senate unanimously and now heads to Governor Stitt’s desk. House Bill 3806 is authored by Sen. Micheal Bergstrom, R-Adair, and Rep. Toni Hasenbeck, R-Elgin. It clearly defines that the terms “beef” and “pork” can only be used to describe products deriving from cattle or pigs; brings parity…

‘Porch piracy’ is targeted in bill passed by Senate

Tulsa Beacon

Nearly one in five Americans report having fallen victim to porch piracy.  The Senate approved legislation to strengthen penalties against those who steal mail, packages or other items out of others’ mailboxes or off porches. House Bill 2777, by Sen. Lonnie Paxton, creates the Porch Piracy Act of 2020 to help better protect businesses and…

Bill to shield companies related to the coronavirus

Tulsa Beacon

The full Senate has approved legislation giving liability relief to essential businesses and those working to safely reopen, as well as a measure protecting manufacturers and people who make or donate materials related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, a third bill giving limited liability to health care providers and facilities has been signed into law. …

Senate approves bill to expand broadband access

Tulsa Beacon

The full Senate has given approval to a measure that will ultimately help improve broadband access throughout rural Oklahoma.  House Bill 4018 creates the Rural Broadband Expansion Act. Authored by Sen. James Leewright, R-Bristow, and House Speaker Charles McCall, R-Atoka, and coauthored by Rep. Logan Phillips, R-Mounds, the bill was approved unanimously on Tuesday. Leewright,…

House votes to raise pay by $2/hour for corrections

Tulsa Beacon

A bill that will increase pay by $2 an hour for Department of Corrections’ (DOC) employees passed the House with a vote of 99-0. Senate Bill 1424, by State Rep. Ross Ford, R-Broken Arrow, previously passed the Senate 46-0 and now awaits the governor’s signature to become law. “We gave many of our state correctional…

Senate bill would further liberalize liquor laws

Tulsa Beacon

The full Senate has given approval to a bill that will enable Oklahomans to continue to take advantage of curbside sales or home deliveries of beer, wine and hard liquor.  Sen. Roger Thompson, R-Okemah, is principal author of Senate Bill 1928.  The measure was approved Wednesday with bipartisan support. “As businesses were closed or operating…