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The Tulsa Beacon


Letters to the Editor

Letter: We need more Biblical knowledge

Tulsa Beacon

Randy Bright’s opinion article in Nov. 29, 2018 Tulsa Beacon addresses a topic I too have thought about often over the years. “Corporate biblical knowledge is at risk.”  I often read Walker Moore’s column since he focuses on his family often telling autobiographical non-fiction stories.  Years ago one of my sons went on a couple…

Letter: America needs to fund the wall

Tulsa Beacon

The picture of thousands of invaders trying to forcefully get into America is frightful.  Especially to those living along the border with Mexico.  For years, many have had their homes invaded, by much smaller groups than the present-day caravans.  Caravan of immigrants invading America is a new type of threat to this country.   The Liberal’s…

Letter: A Tribute to Daniel Keating

Tulsa Beacon

As a Summit Financial employee, I worked with Daniel Keating for the last 17 years as his secretary.  My first thought about Mr. Keating is he was a true gentleman in every way.  He was with Summit for 20-plus years and was dedicated to this company.  He shared the importance of having insurance with many…

Letter: Double standard in Bixby?

Tulsa Beacon

Last fall, four Bixby High School football players were accused of raping another player. Remarks by some Bixby residents  were that those players “got a little rough – you know how boys are. They were roughhousing. Boys will be boys.” Numerous school systems in other states are watching to see what the outcome will be…

Letter: Don’t destroy America’s heritage

Tulsa Beacon

There is a concerted effort across this nation to destroy any historical markers that some people may find offensive.  We are tearing down statues of Christopher Columbus and General Robert E. Lee – and – even removing their names from public schools. In Tulsa, the city council is considering changing “Brady Street” to “Reconciliation Way”…

Letter: More psychoactive drugs usage?­

Tulsa Beacon

A headline on the front page of a recent edition of the Tulsa Beacon declares that “Oklahoma will get $13m to fight the opioid epidemic.”  On the other hand, Oklahoma is fighting a battle to provide free access to marijuana. This world has lost its collective mind! If addiction is a national problem, why would…

Letter: Vote yes on Judge Kavanaugh

Tulsa Beacon

We’ve all been witnessing the despicable bad-behavior of Democrats in their attacks on Judge Brett Kavanaugh – and this disgusting spectacle is not over. Surely any reasonable person can see – these personal attacks against Judge Kavanaugh and his family are being orchestrated by Satan himself – and Senate Democrats have become willing participants. The…

Letter: Reject Obama’s vision for the US

Tulsa Beacon

When Barack Obama was elected in 2008, he publically announced his plans for “The Fundamental Transformation of the United States of America.” At that time, most people didn’t understand what Obama was saying.  But now, ten years later, most reasonable people recognize the devastating changes our nation underwent under Barack Obama. In less than two…

Letter: America must turn to Christ

Tulsa Beacon

America lost its love for God and lost its soul. We forgot “the first and great commandment,” “Thou shalt love thy God with all thy heart, soul, and mind.” And the second, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” Jesus said, “On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” We forgot, forgive…

Letter: We must never forget the 9/11 attacks

Tulsa Beacon

Let us never forget September 11, 2001.  That is the day when a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al Qaeda, was unleashed on the United States of America.  The “9/11 Attack” killed 2,996 people, injured over 6,000 others, and caused at least $10 billion in infrastructure and property damage. …