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The Tulsa Beacon



Editorial: The country with energy wins

Tulsa Beacon

The price of a barrel of oil is rising because of President Joe Biden’s war on oil and gas. And now they are rising because of Biden’s ineffectiveness in dealing with Russia and their invasion of Ukraine. It’s not surprising to see oil cost over a $100 per barrel. In February, gas prices were almost…

Editorial: Biden eases up on the Chinese

Tulsa Beacon

President Joe Biden uses America’s bureaucracy to protect countries who are enemies of the United States. Russia and China are America’s biggest enemies. In February, Biden’s Department of Justice announced the end of the “China Initiative” a federal program to battle spying by the Chinese Communist Party in America. That initiative was started under the…

Editorial: Disgraceful half-time performers

Tulsa Beacon

The National Football League approved a disgraceful show the Super Bowl halftime show this year. Profanity was all over the place. In fact, here is the count on the profanity that peppered the show. Here are the words in some of those songs: F-word 13 times; N-word 16 times; M—– F—– – 4 times; P—…

Letter: Harsh mask restrictions prevail at Tulsa ‘beacon of freedom’ ceremony

Tulsa Beacon

On March 3rd, the City of Tulsa hosted a naturalization ceremony at the Cox Business Convention Center for one hundred new American citizens. Mayor G.T. Bynum gave a welcoming speech to those assembled, celebrating “Tulsa and Oklahoma and the United States as beacons of freedom and opportunity.” Mayor Bynum’s message celebrating freedom and liberty was…

Letter: Millions, billions and now trillions

Tulsa Beacon

Many state and local government expenditures are in millions. It used to be that federal government expenditures were in billions. Some seven decades ago, Senator Everett Dirksen is reported to have said: “A billion here, a billion there and pretty soon you’re talking real money.” Now, the federal government deals in trillions of dollars. The…

Letter: Choose: Live coward or dead hero?

Tulsa Beacon

On the second day of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, friends from the NATO nations sent up to 18,000 weapons to the citizenry to use. There are citizens that were willing to fight to the last drop of blood. This has caused the killing of many young, inexperienced Russian soldiers – with hundreds, maybe thousands of…

Editorial: Don’t give school kids dirty books

Tulsa Beacon

America used to enforce its obscenity laws. Now, obscenity is so prevalent, that enforcement would fill up country jails with violators. But the public has the expectation that public schools won’t expose impressionable material to the students. A student would be disciplined for saying the “N-word”, or for not wearing a mask at school or…

Editorial: Putin and American weakness

Tulsa Beacon

Russia has invaded Ukraine and provoked an international crisis that threatens all of Europe. Russia’s Vladimir Putin broadcast a flimsy excuse about the invasion but his ultimate goal is to reunite the Soviet Union under his dictatorship. Putin also wants a pledge from NATO that Ukraine will never get an invitation to join. He wants…

Editorial: Russiagate Pulizter Prize debunked

Tulsa Beacon

The Washington Post and the New York Times received a Pulitzers Prize in 2018 for their shared coverage of “Russiagate” – the conspiracy theory that President Donald Trump conspired with Russia to steal the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton. It has now been proven over and over that no such conspiracy existed. Will the New…

Editorial: No sex-change surgery for children

Tulsa Beacon

Here’s a bill that should pass the Legislature with a unanimous vote but it won’t because of liberal Democrats. There is a movement in our nation for progressive parents with the assistance of unethical psychiatrists to encourage children to want sex-change operations. In their twisted view, if a little boy wants to play with dolls…