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The Tulsa Beacon



Editorial: Backward steps in Afghanistan

Tulsa Beacon

The woke social experiment in Afghanistan has failed just days after President Joe Biden surrendered and carelessly withdrew our military. Liberal State Department officials and American progressives wanted to make the Muslim culture bend to the Marxist principles being pushed by Biden, Nancy Pelosi, most Democrat congressmen and some Republicans. A Taliban spokesman assured Western…

Letter: Justifiably not guilty because of insanity

Tulsa Beacon

The amazing success of the Taliban, who without masks or vaccinations, captured American military weapons which had cost our taxpayers close to a trillion dollars (or one thousand million dollars). That could have turned one million of our welfare recipients into millionaires. That would have solved our reparations problem. Not counting our Black Hawk helicopters…

Editorial: Afghanistan mess responsibility

Tulsa Beacon

Who decided the details of our pullout of Afghanistan? President Joe Biden doesn’t look capable of making such a decision. And he certainly could not have drawn up an exit plan. Was this plan created by our military leaders? If so, they are so inept that they should be replaced. The withdrawal from Afghanistan was…

Editorial: Keeping capital punishment

Tulsa Beacon

The Oklahoma Catholic bishops issued a statement in protest of the decision by Oklahoma Attorney General John M. O’Conner to set execution dates for six convicted murderers on Death Row. The Most Rev. Paul S. Coakley, Archbishop of Oklahoma City,  and the Most Rev. David A. Konderla, Bishop of Tulsa, wrote: “We are disappointed and…

Editorial: Unconstitutional probings

Tulsa Beacon

President Joe Biden and his minions in the U.S. Department of Education are determined to strip Oklahoma and other states from their constitutional rights and obligations. Ironically, the Biden Administration ignores court rulings against immigration practice but Biben’s Education Department wants threaten Oklahoma’s state government using phony investigations as a basis for upcoming lawsuits. The…

Letter: Men have forgotten God in our nation

Tulsa Beacon

Much has been written about the histories, in the last century, of Nazi Germany and the former Soviet Union.  We are all aware of the atrocities that took place under these regimes.  We have also heard of similar examples of inhuman behavior in other places, such as Communist China under Mao, and more regional, localized…

Editorial: Voluntary masks, vaccinations

Tulsa Beacon

Wearing a mask to try to prevent infection from the Chinese coronavirus should be voluntary and not mandated. Anyone who wants to voluntarily wear a mask should be able to freely. Any private business – particularly a restaurant – that wants to require that a mask for customers should be legally able to do that….

Editorial: Killing Afghanistan Christians

Tulsa Beacon

Persecution of Christians is ramping up in Afghanistan after the Taliban has toppled the government following Joe Biden’s removal of U.S. forces. According to a story in Breitbart, the Taliban is killing anyone in Afghanistan who has a copy of the Bible on their cellphones. According to SAT-7, a Christian broadcast group, the Taliban is…

Editorial: Free rents will not last forever

Tulsa Beacon

The last 18 months of struggling have taken a toll on a lot of Americans, particularly poor people. Many have lost their jobs and been forced to file for unemployment to make ends meet. It has been hard to pay the rent. But we have had a wrong solution to this problem. The Center’s for…

Letter: Masks don’t work on the coronavirus

Tulsa Beacon

Let us consider the effectiveness of face masks. Unless you are wearing an N95 mask fitted perfectly to your face, the mask is worthless. Look at the air gaps around the mask you are wearing. Science says that all matter takes the path of least resistance. Therefore, most all the germs will bypass the mask…