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The Tulsa Beacon



Editorial: Meat consumption is declining

Tulsa Beacon

Across the United States, meat sales are down by more than 12% compared this time a year ago. Beef demand is dropping in Europe. And even Argentina is seeing a drop in the consumption of beef. What’s the deal? Before the Chinese coronavirus, meat consumption worldwide was consistently rising even to record highs. Now, there…

Letter: Embracing wickedness in the US

Tulsa Beacon

We are living in a world of instant information, and yet, we seem to be learning nothing.  Our leaders appear to be living in an imaginary world – they stumble around from one crisis to another without ever truly seeing, and admitting what has gone wrong. For example:  The Biden/Harris administration tells us the southern…

Letter: Trump pushed vaccinations, too

Tulsa Beacon

Was President Donald Trump trying to kill Americans? Ridiculous question! Well, was he trying to get us to put government microchips inside our bodies? That is crazy talk. Then, why was he so insistent on getting a coronavirus vaccine developed? Because he knew how deadly the pandemic was turning. He knew our history on slow-go…

Editorial: Stopping Critical Race Theory

Tulsa Beacon

The Oklahoma Legislature passed a law that forbids public school teachers from teaching Critical Race Theory. That Marxist philosophy basically teaches that America is a corrupt and racist country. And it teaches that white children – especially boys and young men – are racist simply because of the color of their skin. The National Education…

Editorial: Good news, bad news budgeting

Tulsa Beacon

State coffers are overflowing for at several reasons. In June, the state tax revenues were up 40% over June of 2020. But there is a good news/bad news aspect to the June statistics. The good news is that the energy industry is growing, with a 305% percent increase of taxes paid to the state in…

Editorial: Forced vaccinations of Americans

Tulsa Beacon

President Joe Biden wants to force everyone in America to get the Chinese coronavirus vaccine. Biden pretty much has advocated that federal agents go door to door to check on who has been vaccinated and then bully those who haven’t into taking the vaccine. His surrogates in the federal government have gone so far as…

Letter: Now is the right time for salvation

Tulsa Beacon

God’s Word tells us a day will come when Jesus will appear in the sky and call all his born-again followers to “Come up here.” 16 “For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead…

Editorial: ‘Token white’ basketball player?

Tulsa Beacon

Racial conflict is injected everywhere in modern culture. The concept of a “color blind America” has been lost because of trouble that is constantly being stirred up by those who would destroy our nation (Marxists in particular). Former NBA player Jalen Rose, now a ESPN broadcaster, is objecting to the addition of Kevin Love, who…

Editorial: Federal government overreach

Tulsa Beacon

Joe Biden’s Justice Department has shifted the federal government overreach into overdrive. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland (thank goodness he’s not on the Supreme Court) has filed a lawsuit against the State of Georgia to overturn the state’s new voting law. The lawsuit, according to Garland, is the first “in many steps” to make sure…

Editorial: Erasing whites from history

Tulsa Beacon

The Federal Government wants to whitewash U.S.  history in its quest to revise any thought of American accomplishment. A task force for the National Archives reported that the Archives’ Rotunda – which contains the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights – is full of “structural racism.” The report claims that…