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The Tulsa Beacon



Letter: Stolen election

Tulsa Beacon

There is no question that the Democratic Party and others, did everything they could to steal the 2020 Presidential Election.  And that it was obviously pre-planned for years. A large group of individuals  and organizations worked hard, and put out large amounts of money to carry out such a disgraceful and un-American travesty against one…

Editorial: Higher taxes are coming in 2021

Tulsa Beacon

If Joe Biden becomes the president, taxes will go through the roof. Personal income taxes will rise. Investments in the Stock Market – including retirement 401Ks – will drop because of higher taxes on corporations. The price of gasoline will skyrocket. Biden wants Janet Yellen as his Secretary of the Treasury. That’s a huge mistake…

Editorial: The coronavirus ravages Europe

Tulsa Beacon

Europe is suffering under the Chinese coronavirus pandemic. France instituted its second lockdown in November. People could go to work, buy essential goods, go to the doctor and exercise (for one hour a day). Anyone who ventured out of doors had to carry a written statement as the to justification of leaving their home. Non-essential…

Editorial: Manipulating science by politics

Tulsa Beacon

Science is being used as an excuse to bully people and cause them to have an inordinate fear of the Chinese coronarvirus. Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum won’t admit it publicly but it’s obvious that he wants a full shutdown of Tulsa – and its suburbs – to curb the pandemic. Gov. Kevin Stitt bowed to…

Editorial: Discrimination versus Christians

Tulsa Beacon

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito recently said during a speech before the Federalist Society that “in certain quarters, religious liberty is fast becoming a disfavored right.” Alito cited coronavirus cases in California and Nevada that were blatantly discriminatory yet they were upheld by the Supreme Court with the reasoning that those decisions should be made…

Editorial: Democrats and city shootings

Tulsa Beacon

Shooting are up in major U.S. cities that are under the thumb of a one-party Democrat-run administration. Shootings were already out of control in Chicago but in 2020, they are up 50%. In New York, it’s even worse. Shootings there are up 95% in 2020. Shootings rose from 698 in 2019 to 1,359 by November…

Letter: Our weather is the result of the Sun, not carbon dioxide

Tulsa Beacon

Our weather is the result of the Sun and its activity, the Earth and how they rotate, rotate around each other with the time involved and our immense oceanic system with its extremely complex current system (here we have to add in our Moon). Increases in carbon dioxide has always significantly lagged increases in warming….

Letter: Americans struggling with reality

Tulsa Beacon

Virtual Reality has sucked the American people into a non-existent parallel universe. Things that are not real, things that do not even exist, are now being presented in such a realistic way that we’ve become accustomed to accepting and believing.  For example: When you watch a sporting event on TV, the crowd noise is so…

Letter: Here’s what TSET is undertaking

Tulsa Beacon

This month marks the 20th anniversary of voters’ creation of Oklahoma Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust (TSET), a grant-making state agency devoted to preventing cancer and cardiovascular disease, Oklahoma’s leading causes of death. Past accomplishments and new initiatives give Oklahomans reason to be proud of TSET. In 1998, 46 states including Oklahoma, reached the Master Settlement…

Editorial: We have reasons to thank God

Tulsa Beacon

American should genuinely give thanks to God this Thanksgiving. And here’s why. Under the Trump Administration, America was experiencing an economic boom. Wages were up. Unemployment was down. Manufacturing was returning to America. America become energy independent for the first time. Trade agreements with China, Canada, Mexico and others were renegotiated to create a level…