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The Tulsa Beacon



Editorial: OETA will be just fine

Tulsa Beacon

Gov. Kevin Stitt’s decision to veto reauthorization of the Oklahoma Educational Television Authority (OETA), the state’s Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) entity, has critics acting as though the sky is falling and that Big Bird is on his last legs. Neither view is true. Big Bird will still be around even without Oklahoma government funding, as…

Letter: Progressives overstating their popularity

Tulsa Beacon

There is a current narrative in the state that our politics are hateful and are an inhibiting factor to our progress as a state. The claim is generally that people do not want to come here because we are not welcoming to all or have a mean-spirited culture. Frankly, the numbers just do not back…

Editorial: To stop school porn, enact school choice

Tulsa Beacon

There are too many books like these, but just one more example is “Lawn Boy.” According to a media report, the book “contains graphic descriptions of sex between men and children.” It also was featured in the School Library Journal and given the same award as “Gender Queer” by the American Library Association. All these…

Tulsa Beacon Endorsements

Tulsa Beacon

Not all precincts will vote in these elections, only the precincts within the geographic areas designated for these Offices and Districts. School Board Elections Berryhill, Office #3 The Tulsa Beacon endorses  Doc Geiger Bixby, Office #3 The Tulsa Beacon endorses Julie Bentley Sand Springs, Office #3 The Tulsa Beacon endorses Tracy Hanlon Tulsa Public Schools,…

Editorial: Medical Marijuana reforms needed

Tulsa Beacon

Oklahomans oppose unfettered access to marijuana, which was made clear by the failure of SQ820. This is an opportunity for the Legislature to reexamine reforms of the medical marijuana industry to ensure the safe, legal free market that Oklahoma voters asked for when they approved State Question 788 in 2018. SQ788 language was vague and…

Editorial: An Urgent Immediate Call For State Laws & County Ordinances

Tulsa Beacon

There is an urgent immediate need for specially crafted state laws and where necessary, county ordinances to protect American citizens from the totalitarian dictates of the international World Health Organization (WHO). As early as May 2023, due to a voluntary loss of US sovereignty by the Biden administration, the WHO will have authority to dictate…

Letter: The cleverly devised myths of liberalism

Tulsa Beacon

Dear Editor: The Apostle Peter in 2 Peter 1:16 states “For we did not Follow Cleverly Devised Myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ But were Eyewitnesses of His Majesty.”  This Indicates That Not only did the disciples of God see The Miracles of Jesus with…

Letter: Actions and reactions

Tulsa Beacon

Dear Editor: It’s a scientific Fact that every action has a reaction, and unfortunately this law of physics applies to the political realm as well. Liberal Pundits are quick to accuse conservatives of being “Violent Fascists.”  Yet they fail to psychologically Grasp the Fact that much of the anger on the Right is simply a…

Letter: The Fruit of Socialization

Tulsa Beacon

Whenever the subject of home education is raised in a conversation, without exception someone always offers the opinion perceived to be the single objection to render any further dialogue dead in its tracks: “Home schooling is bad, because the children are deprived of socialization with their peers.” Whenever I hear this supposedly sage argument, I…

Editorial: Please Oppose SQ 820

Tulsa Beacon

While my day job has me serving as Chief of Police in Muskogee, I am writing today more as a father and grandfather who is also the product of a family marred by substance abuse. Substance abuse is nothing new.  When my father returned from serving in Vietnam, he turned to alcohol to cope.  Marijuana…