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The Tulsa Beacon


Tag: Democrats

Billionaire Bloomberg is a very dangerous Democrat

Tulsa Beacon

There are a plethora of reasons why no one should vote for Michael Bloomberg, the former New York mayor who is running for the Democrat nomination for president. Bill Donohue, on, chronicled a host of policy reasons and personal criteria that should disqualify Bloomberg from getting the nomination, much less the vote in general…

Editorial: Democrats threaten the military

Tulsa Beacon

The do-nothing Democrats in the U.S. House are so preoccupied with their attempted coup against President Trump that they are threatening the military. That’s right. U.S. Sen. James Inhofe, R-Oklahoma, is chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Inhofe issued a somber warning about how the “impeachment inquiry” in the House and the possibility of…

Democrats’ flawed impeachment process

Tulsa Beacon

The last several weeks have been eventful in terms of one particular topic, and that is House Democrats and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s unprecedented pursuit of impeachment. Especially on something as consequential as impeaching the President of the United States, it is a disservice to the American people for one political party to dictate the terms…

How is the progressive movement affecting millennials?

Tulsa Beacon

WASHINGTON, D.C. – “Any man who is under 25, and is not a liberal, has no heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains.”  The origins of this quotation are uncertain. Numerous variations of it have been around for nearly 150 years and have been attributed to…

Democrats ignore science as they push climate ‘disaster’

Tulsa Beacon

Speaking at the 13th International Conference on Climate Change held on July 25th in Washington, D.C., Dr. Roy W. Spencer of the University of Alabama in Huntsville said, “There is no climate crisis. There is no climate emergency. Even if all of the warming we’ve seen in any observational data set is due to increasing…

Democrats have a wide variety of religious backgrounds

Tulsa Beacon

What is the religious background of the Democrat candidates for president? The major candidates are Hindu, Presbyterian, Catholic, Quaker, Jewish, Baptist, Anglican, Episcopal, Methodist, Church of Christ and “Protestant.” Of the top 20 Democrats, seven are Catholic, two are Hindu and three have religious backgrounds but are not affiliated currently with any specific religion or…

Editorial: Democrat goal: gun confiscation

Tulsa Beacon

There is only one sure-fire way to stop mass shootings in America. Confiscate all the guns. That’s obviously unconstitutional and unworkable. But this is where the liberal “logic” breaks down. It is already illegal to buy an automatic weapon in America. Democrats want to also outlaw semi-automatic weapons. But guess what? Most of the gun…

Editorial: Wealth redistribution is the goal

Tulsa Beacon

Watching the Democrat presidential debates, a consistent theme surfaces. Democrats want to take from a segment of America and give it to others. This has been true of the left-wing of the Democrats for decades but this latest batch of candidates unabashedly criticizes wealthy Americans and corporations and promises total care to those who aren’t…

Letter: Lunacy of the left is now on display

Tulsa Beacon

The lunacy of the left was in full display once again July 31 and August 1 when all twenty of the Democratic presidential candidates participated in their second debate. Every Democrat presidential candidate told us “climate change” is the biggest threat to this nation.  Some even claim this planet will be destroyed in ten to…

Editorial: Democrat desperation grows

Tulsa Beacon

In July, a handful of radical Democrat representatives tried to impeach President Trump. The vote failed, 95-332. It failed because most Democrats understand that Trump is innocent of any impeachable offenses. The calls for impeachment started the day Trump took office. Democrats are upset because Hillary Clinton – one of the worst presidential candidate in…