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The Tulsa Beacon


Tag: Islam

Letter: Deception and Sri Lanka

Tulsa Beacon

The tragic Islamic terrorist attack in Sri Lanka, which left more than 300 dead, is just the latest proof that mankind rejects God on a daily basis by murdering innocent fellow human beings.  It shows the results of ignorance of the true Word of God, and man’s non-compliance, with God’s basic laws and commandments     The…

Using the National Guard and Reservists at the border is good

Tulsa Beacon

It has long caused wonder in my mind when our Reserve and National Guard units are called to their annual active two-week (if memory serves correct) duty period that they could be sent to serve, learn and practice in actual operations rather than go through the motions in some existing fort or base.  It now…

Assaults on French churches adds doubt to Notre Dame fire

Tulsa Beacon

The early morning talk show on April 16 and preceding news at 5 a.m. was full of stories about the sudden fire in the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and how much damage had appeared to be done.  Early reports were that the French officials would not call it other than “perhaps an accident from…

Letter: Reject unAmerican idealogies

Tulsa Beacon

In the 2018 midterm elections, 90 Muslims were on the ballots across the United States and nearly all were Democrats. There are now three members of Congress who are practicing Muslims. There are a host of Muslims holding office in states and communities. Two are Muslim women – Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib…