It has long caused wonder in my mind when our Reserve and National Guard units are called to their annual active two-week (if memory serves correct) duty period that they could be sent to serve, learn and practice in actual operations rather than go through the motions in some existing fort or base.  It now surfaced that PRESDT-45 has called to duty active military units, as well as some reserves, to work on the “fence” that serves as a wall on our border with Mexico.  It has been known, firsthand by me since 1947, that at least two in the Oklahoma National Guard there are construction battalions (who could carry out that work and could be activated for extended duty) remaining state-side, to speed up the work of beefing up our border security.

It is some small satisfaction to me to see this actually happening, but I strongly hope and pray that the construction battalions doing the work are being protected by combat units complete with fully armed and loaded weapons.

There have been too many times in the past where such units for protection had been hamstrung by unloaded weapons and stupid rules of conduct, particularly during the previous administration.  In fact, that situation has prevailed against our troops in actual combat areas, with sometimes very tragic results.  Unfortunately, there is no record of retribution against the higher staff members responsible for such idiocy.  It is thought by some, myself included, that the source began clear up to the top – perhaps not PRESBO-44 but with staff who knew his wishes.

Along that line, there have been several reports about a special forces officer now up on charges of murder for killing a known killer of our troops, including some in his command, who was in the process of rigging bomb traps again to kill more of our own.  As General Patton is quoted of saying (cleaned up) “You don’t win wars by dying for your country, you win wars by making that poor dumb (expletive) die for his country.”  The thought could not have been more clearly expressed or more accurate.

In short, we have been subjected to a number of years, maybe two decades or more, of continually increased restrictions on our service personnel in the Rules Of Engagement.  These have lead to unnecessary loss of life and severe injury to personnel and damage and loss of equipment. Active and reserve activated soldiers have told me that those rules were considered to be top secret and could not be divulged to civilians.  In my mind, those responsible for this have committed acts tantamount to treason, that is “giving aid and comfort to an enemy.” 

Another such example is the release of Gitmo detainees by the last administration, including PRESBO-44 himself in the case of five Islamic extremist leaders in trade for one declared deserter.  All five immediately returned to their terrorist and war activities.

The veterans in my circle of friends and acquaintances tend to offer thanks each day for the election of the man now with the “big red button” who, despite no active duty military service, has a deep respect for the military under his command and acts more toward their well being and ability to carry out the assigned mission. 

Any who are surprised at the full military style of his salute return should be reminded that he is a graduate of New York Military Academy in an upper position academically, if memory serves correct. 

So any opponent claiming he doesn’t know anything about military is either lying or totally ignorant of facts and intending to stay that way, and thus should be ignored and/or laughed at for that.

In speaking of the military, it is not meant to leave out the Border Patrol, ICE or even the local police who are attempting to shut down the illegal alien invasion which seems to be increasing in volume, believed funded by certain known billionaire sponsors and abetted by the loose-to-non-responsive attitudes of past administrations.  On the other side, those sanctuary areas should be deprived of any and all federal funding.