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The Tulsa Beacon


Tag: Barack Obama

Democrat hopefuls racing to get as far left as possible

Tulsa Beacon

Just when you thought national politics couldn’t get any worse, it does. The Democrat debates are a series of desperate candidates trying to outdo each other in making promises that they can’t keep. They are overtly trying to buy votes and the sad fact is – it might just work. One Democrat wants the federal…

The feds are sending unaccompanied minors to Ft. Sill

Tulsa Beacon

Unlike 2014, the federal government’s plan to house illegal aliens at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, will be better organized, according to U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Oklahoma. The Department of Defense and the Department of Health and Human Services have a temporary plan to house unaccompanied minors at military installations, including Fort Sill. “Decades of immigration failures,…

Time to roll back the CAFE standards

Tulsa Beacon

The Trump administration is trying to strike a blow for rational and honest government, so you know it’s getting a lot of pushback. President Trump wants to roll back unattainable Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards imposed by President Obama, and it wants those revised fuel efficiency ratings to apply nationwide, including California. But the…

Biden wants a ‘straight’ America but Obama doesn’t

Tulsa Beacon

Joe Biden says he wants to make America “straight” again. If that’s true, he is just the opposite of Barack Obama who wanted to push homosexuality. That’s what Biden said on April 25, the day after he announced he was running for president. Biden said, “America is coming back like we used to be: ethical,…

Using the National Guard and Reservists at the border is good

Tulsa Beacon

It has long caused wonder in my mind when our Reserve and National Guard units are called to their annual active two-week (if memory serves correct) duty period that they could be sent to serve, learn and practice in actual operations rather than go through the motions in some existing fort or base.  It now…

Editorial: Democrats push homosexuality

Tulsa Beacon

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi thinks a man can become a woman and a woman can become a man. Science doesn’t trump political correctness with “President” Pelosi. The House recently passed (along party lines) a resolution condemning President Trump’s ban on soldiers who want to try to change their sex. The resolution is non-binding but it…

Editorial: America is drowning in its debt

Tulsa Beacon

Why is no one upset that the national debt is $22 trillion? That’s $22,000,000,000,000.00. Given a population of 325,000,000, that means every American owes $67,692 as part of the debt. So, a household of four would owe $270,769. Millennials (ages 26-36), the ones who will pay off that debt, have an average personal debt of…

Editorial: Trump vs. Obama school lunch

Tulsa Beacon

In totalitarian governments, high-ranking officials try to control every aspect of peoples’ lives. That was the case for eight years in America when ex-President Obama and his wife Michelle tried to mandate changes in the diets of school children. Through presidential mandates, the Obamas forced public schools to offer the food they chose. Any variance…

Why should we fret about things we cannot control?

Tulsa Beacon

It seems to me that too many of us become overwhelmed come election time. Some friends and not-so-close acquaintances of mine seem to be on the verge of nervous breakdowns, almost from when the first campaign commercials surface and especially those ads that are blatantly lying or using derogatory language about an opponent. It has…

Letter: Reject Obama’s vision for the US

Tulsa Beacon

When Barack Obama was elected in 2008, he publically announced his plans for “The Fundamental Transformation of the United States of America.” At that time, most people didn’t understand what Obama was saying.  But now, ten years later, most reasonable people recognize the devastating changes our nation underwent under Barack Obama. In less than two…