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The Tulsa Beacon


Tag: Shootings

Editorial: Democrat goal: gun confiscation

Tulsa Beacon

There is only one sure-fire way to stop mass shootings in America. Confiscate all the guns. That’s obviously unconstitutional and unworkable. But this is where the liberal “logic” breaks down. It is already illegal to buy an automatic weapon in America. Democrats want to also outlaw semi-automatic weapons. But guess what? Most of the gun…

Lawbreakers, not guns, are to blame for the recent shootings

Tulsa Beacon

Over the first weekend of August, our nation was once more subjected to not one, but two multiple shooting sprees in gathered crowds.  Of course, the usual uproar of those in the Communist/Fascist/Socialist-believing mob are expected to mount another loud demand for gun confiscation or some form of action to gain the same result.  It…

Editorial: New media misfires – once again

Tulsa Beacon

The liberal media – in cohoots with Democrats in Congress – in America couldn’t move fast enough to label the primary suspect in the March 15 massacre in New Zealand as a “right-wing conservative extremist.” This labeling is automatic with outlets like CNN, NBC, MSNBC and others. But the truth is revealed in a 74-page…

Gun control does not help if only criminals have the guns

Tulsa Beacon

One morning recently, the 5 a.m. radio news woke me up with the story that there had been a multiple shooting in two or three Islam Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.  First reports were that there were numerous victims killed and wounded in each – also that the perpetrator had used two military-grade rifles, and…