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The Tulsa Beacon


Duane Collins

Letter: Don’t leave God out of the plans

Tulsa Beacon

In building this nation, our Founding Fathers followed the Judeo-Christian principles outlined in the Ten Commandments that our Creator, God Almighty, gave to Moses.  The Ten Commandments are as follows: No. 1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.  No. 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.  No. 3. Thou shalt…

Letter: Right from wrong in America

Tulsa Beacon

Fox News reports that Caitlyn Marie Jenner has announced that she’s a candidate for Governor of California.  The Fox News personalities all seemed to be excited about Caitlyn’s candidacy, saying, “She’s a Republican who describes herself as ‘socially liberal’ and ‘fiscally conservative.’  Also, she’s a Christian who supports same-sex marriage.” No one on the panel…

Letter: Methodists embrace homosexuality

Tulsa Beacon

God promised to forgive our sins and heal our land if we would turn from our wicked ways.  But we have not turned from our wicked ways.  In fact, we are digging ourselves deeper and deeper into the pits of sin. Here in the “Bible Belt” two of Tulsa’s largest United Methodist churches are meeting…

Letter: We must stand with Israel

Tulsa Beacon

The Jewish people are God’s chosen people – and God will rule and reign from Jerusalem when He returns. It is not for us to ponder why God made that choice.  God is God, and there is no other.  God created the universe and every living thing therein – God is in control of all…

Letter: Biden wants global tax

Tulsa Beacon

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is now proposing that all nations get together and implement a Global Tax on all multinational corporations.  Yellen says, “This will create a more level playing field and will spur innovation, growth and prosperity.” Note: Government taxes do not create prosperity – they do just the opposite – they take…

Letter: What is Bill Gates really trying to do?

Tulsa Beacon

Billionaire Bill Gates apparently believes he can usurp God’s control over the Sun, and the air that we breathe. In Sweden, Bill Gates is working to cool the surface of the earth by blocking the Sun.  An experiment is underway to create a cloud of calcium carbonate, which is essentially “chalk dust” to block the…

Letter: Biden Administration’s evil agenda

Tulsa Beacon

The Biden administration is pursuing an evil agenda, and millions of unsuspecting Americans are blindly following along with them.  Every American citizen needs to ask themselves, “How do these government policies benefit me and my family?” U.S. taxpayer dollars are being used to abort innocent babies around the world, and U.S. healthcare dollars are paying…

Letter: World government is on the horizon

Tulsa Beacon

Recently, Pope Francis made a visit to Iraq and traveled to the ancient city of Ur, which is traditionally held to be the birthplace of the Prophet Abraham.  The pope’s visit was meant to convey images of religious unity and tolerance between Christians, Jews, and Muslims. On March 6, Pope Francis had a private meeting…

Letter: Democrats recreate Biblical history

Tulsa Beacon

The morning after the Senate Impeachment Trial, my wife was led to this Scripture: “1-2 Justice?  You high and mighty politicians don’t even know the meaning of the word!  Fairness?  Which of you has any left? Not one!  All your dealings are crooked: you give “justice” in exchange for bribes.  3 These men are born sinners, lying…

Letter: God’s people need to stand up

Tulsa Beacon

These are very frustrating times.  We see evil things being done by our government leaders – innocent lives are being taken – jobs purposely being destroyed – freedom of religion and freedom of speech is being taken away — Christians and conservative voices are being silenced as fear of reprisal from the left is spreading…