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The Tulsa Beacon



Council OKs $42m for TIF district in N. Tulsa

Tulsa Beacon

The Tulsa City Council has approved nearly $43 million in Tax Increment Financing (TIF) near the newly constructed Peoria-Mohawk Business Park. TIF money will primarily be used for private homeownership and neighborhood rehabilitation efforts around the 120-acre business park, which officials hope to be a key for economic development, health and educational achievement in this…

Does turkey truly make you sleepy?

Tulsa Beacon

STILLWATER – When the last bite of turkey is consumed and the plates are cleared, the next item on the Thanksgiving agenda is a nap. Because turkey makes you sleepy, right? Darren Scott, food scientist at Oklahoma State University’s Robert M. Kerr Food and Agricultural Products Center, debunks this myth. “It’s not really the turkey…

Will the coronavirus pandemic spawn a new baby boom?

Tulsa Beacon

WASHINGTON, D.C. — We’re fast approaching the ninth month of the COVID-19 lockdown and if we were going to see a coronavirus Baby Boom this year, it would be starting now, says Rebecca Weber, CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]. Weber notes that the term, Baby Boomers, became part of the vernacular…

TCC making plans for 2021 term

Tulsa Beacon

Following a Fall 2020 semester balancing safety protocols and in-person learning, Tulsa Community College is working to increase the number of face-to-face classes and online live for Spring 2021. The spring semester is scheduled to start January 19. TCC will continue delivering courses in four delivery methods: face-to-face, online live, blended and online courses. “We…

Bodine-Keely named District judge

Tulsa Beacon

Governor Kevin Stitt announced the appointment of Michelle Lee Bodine-Keely as a District Judge for Tulsa and Pawnee Counties.   “Mrs. Keely served our state and country with distinction in the Oklahoma Air National Guard for over two decades and continues to serve Oklahomans as first assistant district attorney for Osage and Pawnee Counties,” said Stitt….

Navigators answer health questions

Tulsa Beacon

Fifteen health insurance Navigators, trained and certified by the federal government and the Oklahoma Insurance Department, are ready to provide free, local help to Oklahomans with questions about health insurance including assistance enrolling in a policy through the Marketplace. The Navigators are attorneys, paralegals and other member of the legal staff of Legal Aid Services…

National Guard to build museum

Tulsa Beacon

The Oklahoma National Guard will build a new Oklahoma National Guard Museum in Oklahoma City. During a Veterans Day address at the 45th Infantry Division Museum, Brig. Gen. Jon Harrison, chief of the joint staff for the Oklahoma National Guard, unveiled plans for the new 60-housand-square-foot facility. As the current museum focuses heavily on the…

Filing for Tulsa County treasurer begins Dec. 7

Tulsa Beacon

Gov. Kevin Stitt has called a special primary election for February 9 to fill the vacancy of the Tulsa County Treasurer, County Election Board Secretary Gwen Freeman said. The primary election will be February 9 and the special general election will be April 6. John Fothergill was named interim treasurer following the retirement of Dennis…

Four Tulsa Senators take their oath of office Nov. 16

Tulsa Beacon

Sen. Nathan Dahm, Sen. Joe Newhouse, Sen. Dave Rader and newly-elected Sen. Cody Rogers are officially on the job for the next four years after taking the official oath of office at the Capitol on November 16. The oath was administered to the Tulsa area senators in small groups on the Senate floor to accommodate…

Officials push mask mandates

Tulsa Beacon

Mayor G.T. Bynum wants everyone in the Tulsa metro area to wear a mask while in public. Area hospitals are enacting their surge plan for taking care of intensive care units with a regional strategy. “Just as our health care system is a regional one, our response to fighting COVID-19 must be a regional one,…