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The Tulsa Beacon



American Airlines to furlough 19K

Tulsa Beacon

Due to the downturn caused by the Chinese coronavirus, American Airlines said the company will furlough or layoff about 19,000 employees in October. The company will cut more than 8,000 flight attendants. American Airlines originally projected that 25,000 pilots, flight attendants  and worker could be furloughed. According to published reports, about 23,000 American Airlines personnel…

OU-TU School of Community Medicine gets colon grant

Tulsa Beacon

The OU-TU School of Community Medicine was named a recipient of grant funding from the Colon Cancer Coalition to promote a greater volume of colon cancer screening, specifically for patients seen at the OU Bedlam Clinic. The grant will fund the purchase of 450 fecal immunochemical tests (FIT), which let patients to collect samples at…

Dave Lanning helps ailing wife

Tulsa Beacon

Dave Lanning has one of those voices most Oklahoman’s have heard at some point over the past 30 years. His career in sports radio goes back to the 1980s, working for stations like WKY, KTOK and now the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network. Recently, Lanning’s role has been one of caretaker for his wife, Blair, who…

Elvis contributed to fighting cancer

Tulsa Beacon

When Elvis Presley arrived  in the 1950s, he was quite unlike anything the world had ever seen. His music struck a chord with folks living in mid-century America, and soon he was rocking the world. But Presley was more than just a rock & roller, he was also a great philanthropist. He died at his…

Trash collected on Labor Day

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa residents should take their trash to the curb on your regular day next week. Residential refuse, recycling, green waste and bulky waste will be collected on Sept. 7, according to the regular Monday schedule. The only holidays that do not have trash collection are Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day.

Mask Lawsuit

Tulsa Beacon

Federal lawsuit calls Tulsa’s mask ordinance unconstitutional and unhealthy for citizens Some Tulsans are taking steps to halt the mandatory use of face masks in Tulsa because they deprive people of oxygen. Tulsa has mandated the use of face covering in attempts to stem the Chinese coronavirus pandemic. Doctor Robert Zoellner, Clay Clark, Doctor James…

Freedmen ask Choctaws for their rights

Tulsa Beacon

The Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, whose members owned Black slaves and fought on the side of the Confederacy in the Civil War, is now opposing federal efforts to require that descendants of the tribe’s former slaves, called Freedmen, be given promised rights before the tribe can receive federal housing funds. Choctaw leaders say any such…

Oklahoma approved for $300 unemployment aid

Tulsa Beacon

OKLAHOMA CITY – Gov. Kevin Stitt said the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has approved the State’s application to provide unemployed Oklahomans with an additional $300 per week in benefits under the Lost Wages Assistance (LWA) program.  President Trump initiated the program to help America workers affected by the impact of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic….

Interim study looks at misuse of state veteran benefits

Tulsa Beacon

OKLAHOMA CITY – State Rep. Ty Burns, R-Morrison, held an interim study examining the effects of misused tax exemptions and veterans’ benefits during a recent House Appropriations and Budget on Finance Subcommittee meeting. Burns said he filed Interim Study 20-011 to learn in depth about details surrounding stolen valor, including misused veterans’ benefits, within the…

Trust fund to help with city housing

Tulsa Beacon

The City of Tulsa has launched the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, a citywide fund that can be accessed for production or preservation of affordable housing through the acquisition, new construction, reconstruction, and/or rehabilitation of affordable housing units in Tulsa. The trust fund will be used for loans, grants, developer incentives, rental assistance and landlord incentives….