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The Tulsa Beacon



Cleaning in Hawthorne neighborhood

Tulsa Beacon

The City of Tulsa on September 12 will start an effort to clean up a site in the 36th Street North and Hawthorne area.  The goal is to assist in the revitalization of the Hawthorne neighborhood. For two weeks, from Sept. 12 to Sept. 26, Hawthorne residents will receive help cleaning up trash, junk and…

Out-of-state insurance problems

Tulsa Beacon

In January, regulators in Pennsylvania put midsize long-term care insurance (LTCI) issuer, Senior Health Insurance Company of Pennsylvania (SHIP), in rehabilitation by court order. In response, the Oklahoma Insurance Department (OID) sent out the letter  to over 900 Oklahoma consumers with LTCI policies with SHIP to offer help and guidance. Even though OID is not…

OSU enrollment is up despite virus

Tulsa Beacon

Enrollment is up by more than 360 students at Oklahoma State University and retention is at an all-time high despite the challenges of a fall semester with a hybrid of online and in-person classes. The university saw a 1.5% bump in enrollment this fall compared with fall 2019. OSU has slightly more transfer students at…

Hospitalizations in Tulsa drop

Tulsa Beacon

For the week of August 23-29, Tulsa County saw a 4.36 percent decrease in cases of the Chinese coronavirus.   There was a remarkable decrease in hospital admissions, which decreased by 32 percent compared to the previous week. The minimum age of those hospitalized continues to increase, and for the second week in a row there…

New law counters threat of green movement restrictions

Tulsa Beacon

House Bill 3619 by State Rep. Terry O’Donnell, which was signed into law in May, ensures local property and business owners beginning Nov. 1 will have the right to connect to any utility legally operating in their area. This protects private property rights and consumer choice and promotes free enterprise, said O’Donnell, R-Catoosa. “This law…

All are on redistricting committees

Tulsa Beacon

House Speaker Charles McCall has appointed all House members to redistricting committees. Every ten years, the Oklahoma Constitution requires each legislative chamber to redraw its own districts and congressional districts following the release of decennial U.S. Census data. Eight regional redistricting subcommittees will go directly to the public to ask citizens how House districts should…

Funding for state transit providers

Tulsa Beacon

Help is on the way for Oklahoma’s public transit providers that have been impacted by decreased ridership and higher operational costs due to COVID-19. Governor Kevin Stitt along with Secretary of Transportation and Oklahoma Department of Transportation Executive Director Tim Gatz announced that $6 million in federal CARES Act funding will be directed to ODOT…

State parking fee hikes are studied

Tulsa Beacon

State Rep. Lundy Kiger, R-Poteau, hosted an interim study on state park parking fees before the House Appropriations and Budget Subcommittee on Natural Resources and Regulatory Services Kiger said he requested the study after the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department’s started charging parking fees of between $8 to $10 at about half of Oklahoma’s state…

Long-term care and coronavirus

Tulsa Beacon

State Rep. Tammy West, R-Oklahoma City, the chair of the Majority Caucus in the Oklahoma House of Representatives, held an interim study examining current and future needs of people in long-term care facilities related to COVID-19. The study was held before the House Health Services and Long-Term Care Committee. “A number of Oklahomans who are…

Dahm gets 100% on conservative list

Tulsa Beacon

Sen. Nathan Dahm, Rep. Tom Gann and Rep. Terry O’Donnell are among the most conservative legislators in the state, according to the 2020 Conservative Index from the Oklahoma Constitution newspaper. Rep. Meloyde Blancett, Rep. Melissa Provenzano and Rep. Monroe Nichols are markedly the most liberal lawmakers from the Tulsa area. Dahm, R-Broken Arrow, was the…