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The Tulsa Beacon


Letters to the Editor

Letter: Why are leaders so blinded to sin?

Tulsa Beacon

When I entered the title “Are They Blinded by God? – the system would not accept that.  Probably because of the question mark, but perhaps, God wants to show He is involved in what is happening in America today.  Something that I am sure that He is! This morning I heard the President say that…

Letter: Voter Rights Bill threatens democracy

Tulsa Beacon

As the Democrats try to pass the Voter Rights Bill, the real threat to democracy is election integrity, not lack of access. Many countries have elections that mean nothing not because they could not vote but because those that control the process decide the winner. The voter rights bill is a step toward federalizing our…

Letter: Spirt of fear

Tulsa Beacon

The Spirit of fear that has taken over with millions of people over this COVID-19 virus has caused more problems than if we had reacted as we have always done with our annual flu virus. It has caused churches to close, businesses to bankrupt, national politics to be controlled by incompetents and dozens of other…

Letter: Truman did what was right

Tulsa Beacon

President Harry Truman was not “voted out of office.” In 1952, he became so unpopular because  of The Korean War, called a Police Action, the Truman war. He knew he would never be re-elected. The Republicans chose the popular General Eisenhower (Ike)  who campaigned on the slogan “I will go to Korea” and he won…

Letter: What made Lincoln Riley leave OU?

Tulsa Beacon

The reasons most heard, for (Lincoln Riley’s) leaving seems to be about three things. One of them being that he left for a significant salary increase. A second reason being for the opportunity of returning the Trojans to a powerful football team as Pete Carroll did. With his recruiting ability to  have drawn California players…

Letter: Abandoning law

Tulsa Beacon

It has become apparent to anyone with a little gray hair that society from top to bottom has fallen for the Beatle philosophy of “Let it be.” Don’t interfere with whatever folks want to do. When they get deep into what used to be called aberrant behavior like adultery, gambling, prostitution, bankruptcy, drug abuse/alcoholism, or…

Letter: America and abortion

Tulsa Beacon

America, which once proposed to glorify God, and promote His Word around the world, is now descending to the depths of Hell.  One can see that every single day, including the recent Supreme Court arguments, questions, and answers concerning abortion. Unfortunately, I missed too much of what was said.  But God and His Laws probably…

Letter: The US downward spiral started in our public schools

Tulsa Beacon

Why do people, especially oppressed people, risk their lives to come here to the USA? Although it’s not perfect, what country is? Until recent years, we have always stood up for what’s right morally and for freedom in every way. Lately, however, there is more criticism and negativity toward our country (that is actually coming…

Letter: Administrative recklessness

Tulsa Beacon

Virginians arose, and stood against the tyrannical idea, that parents should have no say in their children’s education, Now it’s time for Americans to raise their voice against enticements toward lawlessness that have  flowed from the Democrat Party. Every American should remember that all Democrat primary contenders for president in the 2020 election, stood on…

Letter: Telling the complete truth

Tulsa Beacon

On October 28, John M. Grant was put to death after being on our state’s death row for more than 20 years. He was an inmate in the Hominy prison when he pulled a 58-year-old food service supervisor into a mop closet and stabbed her 16 times, including 5 times to her vital organs. As…