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The Tulsa Beacon



Editorial: Threatening SCOTUS justices

Tulsa Beacon

It is illegal to threaten the life of Supreme Court Justice and to picket in front of his house to coerce a change in a decision. Yet U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland is taking no serious action to protect the lives of the conservative justices in light of an upcoming vote on Roe v Wade,…

Letter: Campaign lies about birth certificates

Tulsa Beacon

Before I was appointed by Governor Kevin Stitt to serve as Oklahoma’s Attorney General, my predecessor worked with the Oklahoma State Department of Health in a settlement that facilitated non-binary birth certificates. I never approved or agreed with nonbinary birth certificates.  My opponent knows this, but continues to tell Oklahoma voters otherwise.  I firmly believe…

Letter: Truth is lacking

Tulsa Beacon

This morning I watched a session of the Jan. 6th Inquisition. The committee, made up of 11 house members, 9 Democrats and 2 Republicans I  am sure will be fair in the  final resolutions they decide. Notable House members include the infamous Adam Schiff of the Trump Impeachment trials. The Republicans, Liz Cheney and Adam…

Letter: Drummond surrenders

Tulsa Beacon

Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee began June 2nd. The sovereign of Great Britain (and 31 other countries) beamed with pride at what she and her countrymen have built. QE II is their sovereign because of, well, sovereignty… the authority of a state to self-govern… the bedrock beneath the pillars of state – whether Great Britain or…

Letter: Vote for Bob Jack

Tulsa Beacon

I am writing to endorse Bob Jack for Tulsa County Commission District 3.  I have known Bob since 2016 when I started volunteering at Republican Party events.  At that time Bob was the Treasurer.  He then became the Tulsa County Chairman in 2019.  I have known Bob to be one of the hardest working, honest…

Editorial: Tulsa Beacon endorsements

Tulsa Beacon

An important primary election will take place June 28 and concerned citizen should arm themselves with information about the candidates. In Tulsa County, almost all of the races are Republican primaries. Here are the Tulsa Beacon endorsements and recommendations for the June 28 primary. Governor – Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt is an accomplished businessman who…

Letter: How to handle detrimental rules, regs

Tulsa Beacon

In “The Inner Ring”, C.S. Lewis describes a mass psychological phenomenon in which a certain social elite manipulate a much larger group of people.  They do so by employing a technique that works on the fears of nearly all people to avoid appearing stupid, uneducated, ill-informed, or naive. Furthermore, they manipulate the desire of most…

Letter: It is difficult to argue against true democracy

Tulsa Beacon

The Greeks have taken over China! According to reports, Xi Jinping told President Biden over the phone that the globe was heading inexorably toward autocracy and that he needed to get in step with it. Xi says the world is changing extremely fast, and a democracy that requires the consent of the people for every…

Editorial: Stitt defies Republican leaders

Tulsa Beacon

It’s nice to finally have a governor with backbone. Gov. Kevin Stitt, who is more of a businessman than a politician, stood up to the scheming Republican leaders of the Oklahoma Legislature and rejected their flawed state budget. Stitt vetoed  parts of the $9.8 billion dollar state budget passed in May by the Oklahoma Legislature…

Editorial: Kevin Gray for District Court Judge

Tulsa Beacon

It’s sometimes hard to know how to vote for a District Court Judge. On June 28, Tulsa County voters will cast ballots on an open seat, District Judge District 14, Office 12. The candidates are Kevin Gray, Todd Tucker and Tanya Wilson. Judge Tanya Wilson is already a Special Judge in the Criminal Division. Kevin…