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The Tulsa Beacon



Letter: Pro-Abortion Democrats

Tulsa Beacon

The driving force behind the Democrat party is abortion.  It’s the bonding issue that unites this party.  It cannot do without it and will do whatever it takes to preserve it. Case in point is the liberal reaction to the Texas Heartbeat Act that bans most abortions upon the detection of a heartbeat.  The left…

Letter: The problem with anarchy

Tulsa Beacon

The thought of anarchy sounds attractive to many rebellious teenagers due to the fact that pop culture has brainwashed them into despising authority. This notion of living in a world without laws conjures up a romantic vision of freedom within the minds of uninformed individuals who have never studied history. There’s an old saying that…

Editorial: Pot legalization drive underway

Tulsa Beacon

Proponents of the legalization of recreational marijuana have filed two petitions to try to get a statewide vote to approve unfettered marijuana use by anyone 21 or older. Part of the action would nullify the current laws controlling the medical use of marijuana. In 2018, Oklahoma voters approved State Question 788 which they thought would…

Editorial: Biden destroys US businesses

Tulsa Beacon

President Joe Biden is determined to bring America to its knees. Part of the plan of Biden and his socialist handlers is to destroy American industry. Earlier this month, Southwest Airlines canceled hundreds of scheduled flights, with public relations people claiming it was due to “bad weather and air traffic control” issues. Many Southwest passengers,…

Editorial: Liberal media tells only one side

Tulsa Beacon

Journalism departments in colleges and universities used to teach that news coverage should include both sides of a story and professional journalists were supposed to hold to that standard of fairness. That is rapidly changing. Reporters from some major liberal news outlets are calling for an end to “both-siderism” and they specifically want harsher treatment…

Letter: Covid money for OSDE liberal causes

Tulsa Beacon

With unprecedented speed and seemingly an unending supply of COVID money, the Federal Department of Education (DOE) is feverishly handing out grants to the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE). The OSDE received almost $1.5 billion in American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) funds in July. On Aug. 25, another $13.5…

Letter: The Eve of Destruction

Tulsa Beacon

(With apologies to Steve Barri, P.F. Sloan and Barry McGuire) Our America, it is explodin’, Pandemic flarin’, vaccine untaken. We pay ’em to work, but keep ’em from votin’. You didn’t fight our wars, but what’s that gun you’re totin’? And even our Capitol, has cops a dying’. But you tell me over and over…

Editorial: Hofmeister – a dishonest politician

Tulsa Beacon

Honesty is a precious commodity when it comes to political leaders. State School Superintendent Joy Hofmeister for years has been telling Oklahoma voters that she is a Republican. Now, as she decides to run for governor in 2022, she has finally revealed that she actually is a liberal Democrat. About 20 years ago, liberal Democrats…

Editorial: New York Times’ misinformation

Tulsa Beacon

The truth matters. But not so much at the New York Times. On October 7, the ultra-liberal newspaper was forced to run a giant correction after the paper ran a story about hospitalizations of children with the Chinese coronarvirus. The count was off by 800,000. “Science and health” reporter Apoorva Mandavilli initially reported that “nearly…