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The Tulsa Beacon



Editorial: NCAA warning on Senate Bill 2

Tulsa Beacon

The NCAA and Democrat leaders in Oklahoma are suggesting that Senate Bill 2, which prevents boys from playing on girls sports teams, will cost the state millions in lost events. Across the country, boys who are pretending to be girls (some are taking hormone shots and some are getting altered surgically) are demanding that they…

Letter: Cattle ranching and the environment

Tulsa Beacon

Cattle ranchers are committed to the environment for the future With Earth Day (April 22), sustainability is top-of-mind. As a rancher, I am proud to provide both high-quality beef for consumers today, and use them as a tool to maintain the land to provide a better future for generations to come. Our area is riddled…

Letter: VP Harris abandons our veterans

Tulsa Beacon

Maybe We The People along with Veterans – old and young – from all branches of the military may want to take a stand against what Kamala Harris said about veterans’ benefits recently. She is quoted as saying the following: “The United States government cannot continue to pay for every need of what has become…

Letter: Methodists embrace homosexuality

Tulsa Beacon

God promised to forgive our sins and heal our land if we would turn from our wicked ways.  But we have not turned from our wicked ways.  In fact, we are digging ourselves deeper and deeper into the pits of sin. Here in the “Bible Belt” two of Tulsa’s largest United Methodist churches are meeting…

Editorial: Tulsa Beacon 20th Anniversary

Tulsa Beacon

Twenty years ago, the Biggs Family founded the Tulsa Beacon newspaper because liberal commentary and fake news was dominating the news market in Tulsa. That was especially true about the Tulsa World. Ever since the 1980s, big cities started getting rid of large, competing daily newspapers. In Tulsa, the Tulsa World purchased the Tulsa Tribune…

Editorial: Don’t borrow $414,000,000.00

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa Public Schools wants Tulsa property owners to approve $414,000,000.00 in new taxes for a bond issue on June 8. This is an enormous amount of money – coming close to half billion dollars. When the Legislature decided that schools could borrow money through bonds, the idea was to use those funds for long-term projects,…

Editorial: More disinformation on firearms

Tulsa Beacon

Joe Biden said you don’t need a background check to buy a gun at a gun show.  He is either lying, ignorant or he simply forgot the facts. You cannot buy a firearm in the United States from a licensed gun dealer without a federal background check. If you answer any of the questions incorrectly,…

Letter: Tell Rep. Tom Cole to withdraw support for HR1814

Tulsa Beacon

Even though I do not live within the Fourth Congressional District of Oklahoma, I have received fund raising literature from several of Oklahoma’s Congressional delegation.  A few  weeks ago, I received such a request from Representative Tom Cole. One of the headlines contained in Rep. Cole’s support request states, “Urgent Reply to Rep. Tom Cole,…

Letter: Thanks for picking up trash

Tulsa Beacon

I have been very distraught about the trash in our city, and especially in the park across from our house. My husband and I try to keep it picked up, but every day there is more. We had noticed the last few days that someone was picking it up. We had no idea who it…

Letter: We must stand with Israel

Tulsa Beacon

The Jewish people are God’s chosen people – and God will rule and reign from Jerusalem when He returns. It is not for us to ponder why God made that choice.  God is God, and there is no other.  God created the universe and every living thing therein – God is in control of all…